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    A few users have brought up something they find a bit difficult with actinics add to cart /confirm process.

    When a user clicks on the add to cart button, they are brought to a page where they are asked to confirm, i think this is perfectly fine myself, but i would like to ammend the text on this page where under the '*denotes required field' i would like to add the text "Click Confrim to Add chosen product to cart and return to main catalog or click Checkout to go directly to checkout", can anyone point me in the right direction to alter the text on this page.

    Also, will actinic ever be looking into Add to cart buttons with check boxes instead, so if you have a lot of products the user can tick boxes and then go to the confirm page instead of having to click add to cart many times and confirm many times? Just wondering.


    Also, will actinic ever be looking into Add to cart buttons with check boxes instead, so if you have a lot of products the user can tick boxes and then go to the confirm page instead of having to click add to cart many times and confirm many times? Just wondering.
    This is how "Single Add to Cart Button" works. It just has a quantity box next to each product and a single Add to Cart button
    Owner of a broken heart



      Cool - how do you set it up like this?



        You can setup this on any section. Doing the above will make all the site work like this
        Owner of a broken heart



          cheers guys, so how do you do it one selected sections?



            add to cart 2

            I have tried to locate how you do this - i am using version 7 but when i go to design, options and site defaults there is nothing there about buttons. When i go to the shop defaults section there is a section called shopping mode. In here there is a single add to cart radio button that is greyout and can not be checked. The only option is text and image. The stuff below is greayed out.



              The only reason that your 'Shopping Mode' might be greyed out is if you have 'Request Location Information Early' selected in 'Business Settings | Ordering'.

              Once you de-select this you can change the shopping mode as required - and can also set it on a section-by-section basis in the 'Layout' tab of a section.



                I am sure i had set request location information early for a specific reason but i am nist sure why i did this! I am dealing with digital downloads and i think i was advised at some point to do this, would you have any ideas as maybe why i set this like this. I know this is asking you why I dod something but i cant for the life of me remember! The site is



                  Requesting the location information early means that customers select their country in the shopping cart, rather than on the first page of the checkout.

                  Maybe you wanted to make the checkout shorter so you moved the location selection into the shopping cart.

