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Looking SEO companies that specialise in Actinic

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    Looking SEO companies that specialise in Actinic

    Had one of them days today, both my SEO companies have failed to really produce any satisfactory results in the year that they have both been working on my website.

    This is mainly because the companies we use do no understand actinic and continually want to change html pages on our website and cannot seem to grasp the concept of "templates" and when we do finally make them understand they have no idea on how to impliment their changes as they do not know actinic.

    What I am after is someone who knows how to optimise a website for specific key words / phrases but ultimatly knows how to impliment them in actinic.

    If you are interested please leave details of your website and examples of sites you have worked on with relevant keyword searches for that site.

    Many thanks

    Thge best person to do SEO is yourself. With an Actinic site each page has to be optimised each time you add new products.

    I would recommned the path of asking Old Welsh Guy to do a report on your site, and then you learn how to implement his recommendations.


      I have no problem offering you a free evaluation of the website to see if we can help. You may be making simple mistakes that you can correct yourself. You can call direct 732-528-7635 x203

      check this page:
      Brian Johnson
      :::Sure Solutions Inc:::Professional Actinic templates from
      1-732-528-7635 x203


        I would take a step back and look at the market before I wasted any more money on SEO. Your products are in a highly competitive market with lots of players out there.

        If you have a high street shop with 100 retailers selling the same goods at the same or lower prices then you have to ask just how much business you can expect on the street.

        The same goes for the web. IMHO it would take a lot to get you well listed in the DVD/CD media listings and maintaining that position would require ongoing work.

        First thing you could do is place a link to your site map on the homepage or simply take shoppers straight to the store pages.

        Free shipping over £200+ does not read like a good deal to me and I am sure this will be putting people off before they even start shopping (hope i looked up the correct site).

        Can you say who the SEO companies are as I would like to hear what they have to say just out of interest.

        Please feel free to use my contact details from the forum if you wish to speak to us.
        Owner of a broken heart


          what site is it, can you show me your url?


            I’m not sure what your site sells but from Gary’s replies its DVD / CD related, if its blank media etc, then you will have a major problem finding high positions in Google, there has been a massive increase in small companies starting online stores selling these same products and from what I have seen in this market, it will take up to 2 years of hard work and money to gain high ranking positions with this type of product. Unless you have spent over the odds with Google and SEO companies and of course you need a bit of luck and hope Google don’t change how they rank again.

            So if I was you I would optimise the site for less competitive products (if you have any) this works and does at least bring in some sales and will enable you to tick over until you have reached a stage where Google ranks your site on merit. There is no point selling something what “everyman and his dog” is selling, you need to find a niche and target those products with less competition, and in time you will be able to sell your competitive products.

            I have worked on SEO for DVD/CD blank media sites and I noticed that the top sites all have sponsored links with Google and other sites. (I have seen sites in position 1, 2 3, 4 in Google which don’t need to pay for sponsors but still do, this might be just to keep competitors from gaining a position in the paid for sponsors) In the top 10 sites I have seen “site wide” (a link on every page of a site) links throughout some websites pointing to a single website, giving this site hundreds and sometimes thousands of backlinks just from one site (a lot of sites in good positions have up to 2000 backlinks just in Google)…BUT Google is changing how it ranks sites and is moving away from “site wide” links and is looking for links from different IP address and scores higher for relevance.

            SEO work can be a full time job and is good if you have time to do it you’re self, but it does take a lot of research and time to reach high positions in a competitive market place. Quite a lot of people in this forum would recommend OldWelshGuy for SEO work, and in my opinion, I totally agree with you, SEO work should be done on an Actinic site by someone who knows how Actinic works.


              OWG is either very busy or on holiday. I emailed his company last week - no response so far.
              Text directoryWorldwide Actinic(TM) shops
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              VoIP UK: 0131 208 0605
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                I still say that Google is biased towards theiir paying clients in the ultra competitive slots...
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                NOD32 Antivirus - Reciprocal Links for Actinic Sites ONLY


                  Originally posted by webyourbusiness
                  I still say that Google is biased towards theiir paying clients in the ultra competitive slots...
                  I totally agree with that statement, Google is run as a business and money talks!


                    GULP!!!! Could that be possiable!

                    Google states in their guidlines that the use of paid advertisement does not affect organic search results.
                    Fiction: Advertising on Google affects my rankings in the search results.
                    Fact: advertising with Google neither helps (nor hurts!) a site's rankings on Google.
                    There had been postings in some of the search optimization forms debating the same issue that google favors advertisers. I can not say that I have ever seen any legitimate evidence of such behavior from google. Google uses PageRank to determine postioning. They openly admit that linking is a key source to PageRank. From a technical perspective paid search results do not increase a web sites links. This is because the paid advertisement links to google which then processes the advert to the appropriate page as determine by the adword campaign from within the google system.

                    I can not see how google would favor paid advertisers. It would undermind their buisness model and the quality of the service they offer to their primary customers (the people who conduct searches). The idea that google would comprimise their entire business model for short term gains from paid advertisers is nothing moreI then paranoia. I personally dont subscribe to this theory.

                    Brian Johnson
                    :::Sure Solutions Inc:::Professional Actinic templates from
                    1-732-528-7635 x203


                      Sorry, Brian, I've read those guidelines a hundred times - I don't believe them... not for ALL searches, but for some - I'm 100% convinced that they apply some factoring and those sites using google advertizing tools are definitely favored in my opinion...

                      read their patent application too... they even state that ads can/may affect the ranking algorithm - if you ask me - it's their way of declaring their bias - but it's just my opinion (based on considerable real situation analysis of course).

                      oh - and I respect your right to believe some other theory - I certainly don't agree though...


                      Web Design & Ecommerce - Affordable Web Hosting
                      Free and low cost Merchant Accounts coming soon..
                      NOD32 Antivirus - Reciprocal Links for Actinic Sites ONLY


                        This has turned into a bit of a debate.

                        I recently started an Ad Words campaign for a client and I would say that his site was picked up on by Google organic search much quicker and with a high placement that any other sites I have worked on.
                        Owner of a broken heart


                          Google Ad Campaign


                          I'd be interested to know how the Google ad campaign has been going for your client. I've been thinking about possibly using this as my main marketing tool, but have no idea yet of its worth.


                          Innovative and Original greetings cards for all occasions



                            and I have clients who had campaigns - gained position in the organics, dropped the campaigns and now can't be found in the organics - not one, not two, not three - but FOUR now - and I'm sorry, I don't believe in coincidences when it comes to the search engines...

                            Also... from the recently files patent from Google found here:


                            [0090] Additionally, or alternatively, search engine 125 may monitor time-varying characteristics relating to "advertising traffic" for a particular document. For example, search engine 125 may monitor one or a combination of the following factors: (1) the extent to and rate at which advertisements are presented or updated by a given document over time; (2) the quality of the advertisers (e.g., a document whose advertisements refer/link to documents known to search engine 125 over time to have relatively high traffic and trust, such as, may be given relatively more weight than those documents whose advertisements refer to low traffic/untrustworthy documents, such as a pornographic site); and (3) the extent to which the advertisements generate user traffic to the documents to which they relate (e.g., their click-through rate). Search engine 125 may use these time-varying characteristics relating to advertising traffic to score the document.
                            My vary the relevance of a document based on ads generated - I read that as adsense publishers being favored... and also - see the bit in there about:

                            e.g., a document whose advertisements refer/link to documents known to search engine 125 over time to have relatively high traffic and trust, such as, may be given relatively more weight than those documents whose advertisements refer to low traffic/untrustworthy documents, such as a pornographic site); and (3) the extent to which the advertisements generate user traffic to the documents to which they relate (e.g., their click-through rate

                            this tells ME that their advertiser's documents are preferred over non-advertisers - ie, if you have an adwords campaign - ie, are PAYING Google - you get a benefit in ranking.... now that's whoring themselves and if you ask me, it's EXACTLY what I was describing and what Brian J was saying could NOT be the case!

                            There are a LOT of interesting items that can be read a number of ways - but this one is of particular interest to me...

                            [0008] Both categories of search engines strive to provide high quality results for a search query. There are several factors that may affect the quality of the results generated by a search engine. For example, some web site producers use spamming techniques to artificially inflate their rank. Also, "stale" documents (i.e., those documents that have not been updated for a period of time and, thus, contain stale data) may be ranked higher than "fresher" documents (i.e., those documents that have been more recently updated and, thus, contain more recent data). In some particular contexts, the higher ranking stale documents degrade the search results.
                            Stale being more relevant? That's a little backwards to how MSN works - I know it's funky and the reverse of how it USED to work!

                            read on....
                            Web Design & Ecommerce - Affordable Web Hosting
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                            NOD32 Antivirus - Reciprocal Links for Actinic Sites ONLY


                              Surely its obvious. One of Google's criteria for search ranking is the popularity of the site, i.e. the number of click-throughs from its search pages. Run an Adwords campaign and every clickthrough from the advert will count towards raising your general ranking. The reverse applies once one ceases an Adwords campaign.

                              Tim Weaver
                              Consultancy, Innovation & Solutions


