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    If you enable CVV for credit cards the feild automatically becomes "required feild". You will not be able to check out unless you have the 3 or 4 digits in the CVV feild. Hmmm that wish list is good!

    Some tips with the CVV2, Visa Mastercard and discover use three digits. American Express requires 4 digits. Attached is a cool file about CVV2. You can embed a link next to the CVV2 feild so consumers can veiw the file if they can not figure out where to locate the number on their card.

    I recomend CVV2. I have many merchant customers using More then one merchant has reported a problem where someone is spoofing the checkout page to to ram credit cards in for verification. (Yes this is true and its not an Actinic vunerability but a card processing vunerability) Any way some joker was submitting 6,000 or 10,000 card numbers a day to this merchants account to see if they could get authorization on the cards. Anyhow the merchant enabled CVV2 using Actinic and boom it shut down the Robot that was submitting the cards too the site.

    Now was very good with the merchants in helping fix the problem but the truth be told the CVV2 can be one of several tools to help you as a merchant prevent credit card fraud.

    Many merchant will complain that consumers do not know what the CVV number is or where to get it. That is why I made that file.

    Attached Files
    Brian Johnson
    :::Sure Solutions Inc:::Professional Actinic templates from
    1-732-528-7635 x203