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Bad Feed Error in Froogle

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    Bad Feed Error in Froogle


    I have been trying to upload a datafeed to Froogle all day without success. I keep getting bad feed error and all the URLs are saying Invalid URL. I have exported through Actinic and have also tried Frooglemash.

    Below is an example of one of my URLs. I am sure I must be doing something really silly but I am starting to pull my hair out!

    Can anyone help???



    Can't help, I'm afraid but I am getting the same error.
    My URLs are all being flagged, by Foogle as "Invalid URL" when they are correct.
    I too tried through Actinic and trialled Frooglemash but with no success on this issue.
    Contacted Froogle last week and have had no response (other than their automated help files reply which I had already checked anyway)
    Would be very interested to know if anyone else has had the same issue and managed to resolve it?


      I'm finding the same problem with Froogle.

      Have been trying for a week trialling Frooglemash and Actinic's froogle data feed, but to date suffering the same as yourselves. (Invalid URL)

      I hope that someone can throw a little light on the subject!!

      Will keep trying in the meantime.

      Location: North Yorkshire UK


        When did the problem start - is it a recent thing?

        The Classic Network


          Bad Feed Error in Froogle

          I tried for the first time last night and have been trying all day today. I'm glad it's not just me!

          Hope someone out there knows the answer!



            I've been trying since baout Wednesday and it's consistently the same error "Invalid URL"
            An example URL is

            Hardly lengthy, no capital letters in URL (although some do have) etc

            Interesting the someone (the OP?) mentioned 101 products being affected. I htink this must be Froogles cut-off point for checking, maybe, as my list is 101 products also. I think that must be how far the get before thinking "Sod it!"

            I think it's safe to say they are flagging ALL the URLs as invalid, even when they're clearly not.

            Interested to know if Actinic have encountered this themselves?



              I uploaded to Froogle a couple of days ago with no problems other than all my descriptive text dissapeared ! No real problem though as my photographs and links etc. are all ok on the Froogle site. I've uploaded 131 products so I'm not sure whether the '101 products' is an issue.



                I didn't mean that it could be an issue having 101 products, I just meant the Froogle only reported error URLs on 101 but didn't actually accept any (it reported something like 430 in total but only listed 101)
                I assume that 101 is just the maximum they list for errors, not the maxiumum they'd accept.
                It's interesting to know that some people are getting the Actinic stores straight through though.
                Graham, did you use the built-in Export Froogle feed ?


                  Bad Feed Error in Froogle

                  I am trying to upload 92 products. Will try again later and see if I get the same error.



                    Originally posted by MelodyW

                    I have been trying to upload a datafeed to Froogle all day without success. I keep getting bad feed error and all the URLs are saying Invalid URL. I have exported through Actinic and have also tried Frooglemash.

                    Below is an example of one of my URLs. I am sure I must be doing something really silly but I am starting to pull my hair out!


                    Can anyone help???



                    Three things that I can tell you that I found wrong with the Mash.

                    1) The actinic mash includes parameters at the beginning of the mash that are no longer supported by Froogle, this will error out.
                    2) Use Mole-End's Froogle mash, only be sure that you have quotes turned on in your Froogle set up. The froogle mash from mole-end puts quotes around everthing so Froogle needs to know this.
                    3) When you get the mash output from Mole-End, load it to some sort of text-editor such as Text Pad and do a search and replace on "" replace with "" If you closely read the instructions on Froogle for creating an upload file you will notice that they require the "www" in front of ""

                    Hope this helps you "muck" through it.

                    Here is an abstract of the full instructions for a Froogle Feed:


                    A URL in your feed is badly formed, or contained invalid characters. Some common mistakes that cause this error are:

                    Using spaces in the URL. Please replace any spaces with the appropriate escape sequence, which is %20.
                    Using backslashes \ instead of forward slashes /. The URL should contain only forward slashes.
                    Leaving out http:// from the beginning of the URL. This portion of the URL must be included. URLs in the format "http:www...." (without the // after http will not work.
                    In addition, be sure that your froogle feed setting are thus:

                    Store: Gifts From Sarah
                    Filename (case sensitive): giftsfromsarah.txt

                    Product Type Other (or whatever you decide)

                    Encoding UTF-8 Latin-1
                    Delimiter Tab (\t) (Tab Delimited)
                    Currency US Dollar Great Britain Pound Euro
                    Language English German
                    Use Quoted Fields (Yes)

                    Show this feed on Froogle (Your decision)

                    Last edited by EaglesNest; 10-Apr-2005, 02:26 PM. Reason: Added New Information...
                    Isaiah 40:31But they that wait upon the LORD shall renew [their] strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles; they shall run, and not be weary; [and] they shall walk, and not faint.


                      Hi Tracey,

                      Yes, I used the built-in Actinic Froogle feed export function and then used Jans Froogle Mash program before uploading to Froogle. The only odd thing I've noticed is that when I used Jans previous version of Froogle Mash, all my descriptive text was uploaded which was great. I've now noticed that the text is stripped out using the latest version of Froogle Mash, don't know if this is due to the new version, something that Froogle has done or my settings ! Still, I'm more than happy with the results using Jans program. Hope you have better luck uploading.



                        Can we consolidate 2 threads to this one please....



                          Originally posted by pinbrook
                          Can we consolidate 2 threads to this one please....

                          Or consolidate that one into this one being this one is the older of older of the two...
                          Isaiah 40:31But they that wait upon the LORD shall renew [their] strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles; they shall run, and not be weary; [and] they shall walk, and not faint.


                            Dragon Slayer : Does your mashed file contain descriptions?

                            Jan Strassen, Mole End Software - Plugins and Reports for Actinic V4 to V11, Sellerdeck V11 to V2018, Sellerdeck Cloud
                            Visit our facebook page for the latest news and special offers from Mole End

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                              Hi Jan,

                              Yes my Froogle feed contains descriptions for those items where the description was just typed into Actinic without any HTML tags and these show up in Froogle. I've just noticed that it's the descriptions with HTML tags that are not showing up in Froogle - I have a lot of descriptions as bulleted lists etc. Probably due to me ticking the 'Remove Embedded HTML' box - I don't think there's any easy answer to that one as I don't think Froogle will allow HTML tags.

                              It's not a major problem though as my feeds still go through just fine, just an observation.


