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Product with a Negative Value

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    Product with a Negative Value

    I am trying to add a product with a negative value

    what I want is to offer Free Delivery and the customer can choose to add this product but at -£4.99 etc


    Setting a negative value means in theory someone could order that product and your would then owe them money and the product!

    If you are trying to give free delivery you need to either set a product called "Free Delivery" to zero cost and the weight to say 99999kg and then set your shipping tables to show free delivery on sales over 99998kg...or simply set free shipping to start with with a shipping table of 0.00kg = £0.00.

    The later is better as is does not need someone to specifically add a product "Free Delivery" to the cart and to be honest everyone will want free shipping! I assume you are limiting the free delivery to specific locations?

    If it is free shipping on just the one product then you could also use the Discounts funtion and work it in there using a product group.

    SellerDeck Designs and Responsive Themes


      Thank you for your advice

      The problem is that I am using total value as a shipping model. If not a product but a component can be added at a negative value then you add this component to the product which you want free shipping for. We currently only ship to the UK.



        bumping to see if it is possible


          I asked this question to Actinic once a long time ago.

          Their suggestion was to override the Actinic interface by installing the price inside the database directly.

          So you would need to open Acess, find C:/Program Files/ActinicV7/Site1/ActinicCatalog.mdb and locate the product reference you are after for the 'Shipping' product.

          Then you would need to change the price to something like -499 (because all prices are without decimal points).

          Then upload. Anytime you change the product in Actinic itself the price will be made positive so you need to set up the product text etc first and then do the price.
 - Actinic plugins, remote add to cart and custom CMS
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            Are you not able to work it using the Discounts & Surcharges option by putting your free shipping products into a product group?

            SellerDeck Designs and Responsive Themes

