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google tracking for adwords for actinic site using paypal

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    google tracking for adwords for actinic site using paypal

    hi there,

    i want to add google tracking for adwords for my actinic site, i am using paypal to process funds. I have got the an adword conversion tracking guide from them, but am a little unsure of how to implement the script and what pages i need to put it on. Can anybody help. i am not very good on scripts and am a bit of a novice to anything that requires any skill in html, but am up for a go.

    does anyone know how i need to do this? or where i need to add in what script?

    greatly appeciate any help....
    Thanks for all help everyone!!

    A search on the forum for 'adwords tracking' will show the relevant threads. It might be best to read those first and then come back if you're still having problems.


    First Tackle - Fly Fishing and Game Angling




      i think i have this worked out. I have got the code for conversion and figure i need to put it in actorder04 .

      i just need to know where in this page i can paste the code, i cant see a body tag in dreamweaver.

      can you just point out where to add the code? there is alot of code with netquotes in a table inbetween the tags below, i tried to paste the html, but it wont let me do it in this forum as it says i can have too many images on there or something?

      <!-- Receipt HTML begin -->

      <!-- Receipt HTML end -->

      thanks all....
      Thanks for all help everyone!!


        i have just added the script on the bottom of the order04 page and uploaded it, used my adwords link from google and i have no change in my pages, i.e. no logo to say its being tracked nor do i get any change in the stats in my adword a/c.

        when i added the script in dreamweaver, i had an extra couple of those tags (yellow) in the normalk viwof the page, after the existing tags. does it make a difference where in the page i add the script?

        please help,



        p.s. the script i added is below (coversion id has been changed for *********):

        <!-- Google Code for Purchase Conversion Page -->
        <script language="JavaScript" type="text/javascript">
        var google_conversion_id = *********;
        var google_conversion_language = "en_GB";
        var google_conversion_format = "1";
        var google_conversion_color = "666666";
        if (totalvalue) {
        var google_conversion_value = totalvalue;
        var google_conversion_label = "Purchase";
        <script language="JavaScript" src="">
        <img height=1 width=1 border=0 src="*********/?value=totalvalue&label=Purchase&script=0">
        Thanks for all help everyone!!


          Hi there,

          For the following

          <script language="JavaScript" src=""></script>
          This should be in the head section, so go to "Design | Option | Layout" and click on "Edit" for "Reciept Page Layout".

          The following should go in "Act_Order04.html":

          <!-- Google Code for Purchase Conversion Page -->
          <script language="JavaScript" type="text/javascript">
          var google_conversion_id = *********;
          var google_conversion_language = "en_GB";
          var google_conversion_format = "1";
          var google_conversion_color = "666666";
          if (totalvalue) {
          var google_conversion_value = totalvalue;
          var google_conversion_label = "Purchase";
          <img height=1 width=1 border=0 src="*********/?value=totalvalue&label=Purchase&script=0">
          This can be placed anywhere you want.

          Kind Regards
          Nadeem Rasool
          SellerDeck Development


            thats great, thanks, i'll give this a try and come back to you,

            Thanks for all help everyone!!



              Sure Solutions now offers urchin reporting using "utm". This simple reporting tool allows you to track adwords from Overture, Google and It uses one simple script for all the pay per click campaigns. As well Urchin allows you to track organic search engine listings in a very similar fasihion to the paid per click. The reports include search keyword, page drill downs, robot details to gain vital information about your organic and paid searching efforts in a single report. Webalizer is a decent program but urchin takes your search engine reporting intelligence to the next level.

              The problem we had with the google | overture tracking scripts is performance. when you add all the trackings scripts needed to accurately track all your campaigns the checkout final page ran like a snail uphill against the wind.

              so if your looking to track all your search efforts to teh reports page we suggest urchin.

              Brian Johnson
              :::Sure Solutions Inc:::Professional Actinic templates from
              1-732-528-7635 x203


                is this software or script free? also the sugesstion did not work, i uploaded it, but the script for google did not work. any ideas?
                Thanks for all help everyone!!



                  the code that nadeem provided should work. I do have this code working on several sites that we directly support. I would sggest you check the code.
                  Urchin is not free. It requires that you host your site on our servers to get the reporting features. Urchin was recently acquired by google, you can purchased advanced domain reporting from google as well.

                  Just read your post again "used my adwords link from google and i have no change in my pages" Consider testing on some real ads from a sperate computer that you have not used to click through before. I do not beleive the click from the ads in the ad configuration area of google will tag in the same way as from an actual ad itself. The problem could lie in your test proceedure. do a real world test and post your results.
                  Brian Johnson
                  :::Sure Solutions Inc:::Professional Actinic templates from
                  1-732-528-7635 x203


                    How to insert UTM code on every page?

                    Originally posted by BPJSURF
                    Sure Solutions now offers urchin reporting using "utm". This simple reporting tool allows you to track adwords from Overture, Google and It uses one simple script for all the pay per click campaigns.
                    How do you simply update every page of an Actinic powered site to include this UTM tracking code in the head tag?


                      This has been answered in this thread


                        Urchin ELF format

                        The Urchin Elf format (extended log file) plugin which does ecommerce reporting for urchin is now available as an add -on product from Sure Solution. If your looking for the ecommerce traking urchin offers it is now available.

                        Brian Johnson
                        :::Sure Solutions Inc:::Professional Actinic templates from
                        1-732-528-7635 x203

