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"How foujnd" drop down... wanting a field for "other link" info

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    "How foujnd" drop down... wanting a field for "other link" info

    OK, I have a dropdown list in Order pahse 2 for customers to indicate how they found our website.
    I have an option called "Other website link" and people often select this.. thin is, I'd really like to know WHERE!!

    Is there a way of having an additional field for this information?
    Is there some html or something I can use in Act_Order02 to show a blank box when this option is chosen so the customer can tell me where exactly they've linked to me from?

    I'm not very good with html so I need an idiot's guide, please. Have attached my Act_Order02 in .txt format if anyone can point me in the right direction?

    If you're using v7 then there's an article in the knowledge database here, article

    If that doesn't answer your query then, hang on, I'm sure I've read something in detail recently concerning the adding of extra info fields - I just need time to remember where it was that I found it...

    still thinking of one...


      Originally posted by budgetbumps
      OK, I have a dropdown list in Order pahse 2 for customers to indicate how they found our website.
      I have an option called "Other website link" and people often select this.. thin is, I'd really like to know WHERE!!

      Is there a way of having an additional field for this information?
      Is there some html or something I can use in Act_Order02 to show a blank box when this option is chosen so the customer can tell me where exactly they've linked to me from?

      I'm not very good with html so I need an idiot's guide, please. Have attached my Act_Order02 in .txt format if anyone can point me in the right direction?

      If I am understanding you correctly what you would like is:
      Customer Selects "Other Web Link" and when this happens you want a box to "appear" that prompts them to enter the link?

      If that is correct, then I would think that you would need some sort of scripting that would essentially wait for the input and if web link is selected it would then dynamically give the user a text box to enter the link?

      Sorry, I am not that well versed in scripting, but logic I understand.

      Isaiah 40:31But they that wait upon the LORD shall renew [their] strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles; they shall run, and not be weary; [and] they shall walk, and not faint.


        Network settings gone wrong!!


        I just recently rebooted my computer. Wish I hadn't now!!

        My Actinic was working beautifully up until now. I moved my Actinic to an external hard drive and then moved it back once my computer was cleaned up. Now I cannot upload to my site.

        I've tried tweaking the ftp and http settings but I cannot seem to get it too work and it's driving me nuts. Add to this I am flying out end of this week and I need to this work before I leave. The bains of running your own business!!

        Can anyone please help?? I've tried reading up everywhere there is nothing that helps. I'm trying to delete my network settings so I just manually erased the settings and have used the Wizard to detect the new settings but it just won't work. The error message comes up timed out from my server. It shows the server name but I can't tell whether Actinic is not detecting my internet connection or it cannot talk to my server.

        Any help greatly appreciated. I've really goofed this up. By the way I didn't back up, back up I made an exact copy and then moved it back. Stupid of me as I forgot to let Actinic make a proper back of it's own.


          Originally posted by Sheila

          I just recently rebooted my computer. Wish I hadn't now!!

          My Actinic was working beautifully up until now. I moved my Actinic to an external hard drive and then moved it back once my computer was cleaned up. Now I cannot upload to my site.

          I've tried tweaking the ftp and http settings but I cannot seem to get it too work and it's driving me nuts. Add to this I am flying out end of this week and I need to this work before I leave. The bains of running your own business!!

          Can anyone please help?? I've tried reading up everywhere there is nothing that helps. I'm trying to delete my network settings so I just manually erased the settings and have used the Wizard to detect the new settings but it just won't work. The error message comes up timed out from my server. It shows the server name but I can't tell whether Actinic is not detecting my internet connection or it cannot talk to my server.

          Any help greatly appreciated. I've really goofed this up. By the way I didn't back up, back up I made an exact copy and then moved it back. Stupid of me as I forgot to let Actinic make a proper back of it's own.
          Just a thought, be sure that both "Configure New Network Settings" and the "Confirm Each Setting" boxes are ticked. This should then completely regenerate the network configuration.

          If you would like I would be willing to pcAnywhere to your machine and have a look. If you decide to go that route, let me know via email and I will give you a link to my pcAnywhere host application that I use for my clients. pcAnywhere is a secure peer to peer application that allows support personell to take control of your pc while you are online and watching. pcAnywhere will in no way compromise your pc as the only time anyone can connect is if they have all three contraints, password, ip address of machine, and pcAnywhere host must be running.

          Isaiah 40:31But they that wait upon the LORD shall renew [their] strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles; they shall run, and not be weary; [and] they shall walk, and not faint.


            Originally posted by EaglesNest

            If I am understanding you correctly what you would like is:
            Customer Selects "Other Web Link" and when this happens you want a box to "appear" that prompts them to enter the link?

            If that is correct, then I would think that you would need some sort of scripting that would essentially wait for the input and if web link is selected it would then dynamically give the user a text box to enter the link?

            Sorry, I am not that well versed in scripting, but logic I understand.

            Well, yes. That or an additional text box beneath the drop down list that the customer can enter these details in.


              Sorry guys. Meant to start a new thread. Somehow posted to your one.

