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Editing Order Pages?

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    Editing Order Pages?

    Hi there.

    I've been trying to tidy up the ordering section of a site. Most of it is done but I've got a wierd footer on the reciept. The help file says that the reciept wont have headers or footers and I cant find any eveidence of it in act_order04.html but its still there.

    The Site is at

    you can do a dummy purchase using card no 4444333322221111

    Also I'd like to remove the cart information from the credit card details page but I cant seem to find the relevant code.

    And finally the Default Tax message on the invoice page is a bit screwy. The message relating to the tick box is beside the text field and vice versa. Again where can i swop these around?


    editing order templates

    anyone? anyone?



      To find the NETQUOTEVAR:FOOTERTEXT that is appearing on your receipt page, go to 'Design | Options | Layouts' and click on the edit button next to the 'Receipt Page Layout'. Search for the above text and comment it out.

      To remove the Cart information from the credit card page, open up ActOrder02.html and comment out NETQUOTEVAR:THEORDERDETAILS.

      And finally, I can't see the tax message that you are referring to on your site (probably because I chose the UK) but I think you mean the message and prompt that is in 'View | Business Settings | Tax'. Look in the 'Taxes Levied in (whichever) tax zone' box at the bottom of the window.

      I hope this helps.

