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    Hide Products from "Normal" Buyers...

    Hi All,

    As suggested I started a new thread for this question...

    Originally posted by EaglesNest
    and along those lines, I am trying to add a product line to a clients site that she only wants visable to a select few people. Tried the product groups, but can't seem to find where you assign customers to that group and have it only available to those groups.
    Originally posted by webyourbusiness
    Business or catalog? Probably need a new thread for this one...
    ...Business on client side, Developer on my side...

    I have a product line that my client wants to hide from normal everyday customers. I guess the number one problem that I can see is how to access that area on the fly. My thinking would be that I would need to put those products into some sort of group and assign that group to specific customers, however I can not see how I can accomplish this on the fly so to speak. It would require a customer to go to the store and request access to the hidden section, a customer record created, and an upload of the store each time a new customer was added.

    One way I thought of to accomplish this would be to have a totally seperate acatalog for the hidden product line and then have front end security on the entire catalog using a perl application such as Password-Manager-v2 or PHPGuard Dog. I guess this is one of the many reasons for having an online database for actinic. I guess too that I could have some sort of "back-end" script that could be launced by Actinic that would re-write the .htaccess file and allow certain other product directories to come into play.

    Sorry I am just rambling right now trying to think of different ways I can accomplish what I am looking for which is in actuality:

    1) Go to the store site
    2) Click a link that says: Request secure access to...
    3) Customer fills in a form, goes to PayPal, pays for access, returns to store with password from receipt screen, and has email waiting with login instructions.
    4) Logs into store with newly generated login name, and password, either user supplied or store supplied.
    5) Purchases anything that is contained on the store.

    In a perfect world, this would be plausable. I guess I wonder how the "adult" sites can do this, but we cannot.

    Isaiah 40:31But they that wait upon the LORD shall renew [their] strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles; they shall run, and not be weary; [and] they shall walk, and not faint.

    Hi there

    I'm can't think of a way of allowing Actinic to do what you require as it requires a script to create a username and password, which would be stored in a database, which Actinic can't do at the moment. You could have a look into doing external linking to a MySQL database, but i have not seen anyone who has achieved this.

    However I looked at one of our partner website, who creates custom scripts and maybe it could be used for you. Have a look at the following address..
    I would suggest in giving them a call and perhaps work out a solution.

    If there is any one else who can add advise, please feel free to comment to this thread.

    Kind Regards
    Nadeem Rasool
    SellerDeck Development


      You could set the Page Name (in Product Details / Layout) for these pages to be <pagename>.php and use PHP to strip certain products unless a password containing cookie is set.

      Alternatively use a .htaccess to restrict access just that page via the <files> directive.
      Norman -
      Edinburgh, U K / Bitez, Turkey

