OK, bear with me!
I have a product with 2 (stock controlled) versions.
I have 2 hidden products for these options and, using components/attribute and 2 choices, I have a drop down under a main (non-stock controlled) product with each choice associated with the hidden products.
With me?
OK, I wanted to offer a discounted price if you bought BOTH choices together so what I did was this!
Created a third product called "Twin pack" and gave it 2 components. One for each of the hidden products. I associated these components and set them to use a quantitiy of one from the hidden products.
I then hid this product and created a third choice in my main product called "twin pack".
I then associated this choice with my hidden twin pack product.
OK.. problem is, when someone ordered it, it didn't update the stock levels in the 2 hidden individual products.
Just to clarify, I have stock monitoring switched ON on both main (hidden) INDIVIDUAL products only. It's not monitoring on the twin pack hidden product OR the master (with choices dropdown, as displayed on website) product. Neither of these are monitorable (is that a word?!) as the stock needs controlling on the individual products , not the multior option ones, IYSWIM!
So, what am I doing wrong? Thanks!
I have a product with 2 (stock controlled) versions.
I have 2 hidden products for these options and, using components/attribute and 2 choices, I have a drop down under a main (non-stock controlled) product with each choice associated with the hidden products.
With me?
OK, I wanted to offer a discounted price if you bought BOTH choices together so what I did was this!
Created a third product called "Twin pack" and gave it 2 components. One for each of the hidden products. I associated these components and set them to use a quantitiy of one from the hidden products.
I then hid this product and created a third choice in my main product called "twin pack".
I then associated this choice with my hidden twin pack product.
OK.. problem is, when someone ordered it, it didn't update the stock levels in the 2 hidden individual products.
Just to clarify, I have stock monitoring switched ON on both main (hidden) INDIVIDUAL products only. It's not monitoring on the twin pack hidden product OR the master (with choices dropdown, as displayed on website) product. Neither of these are monitorable (is that a word?!) as the stock needs controlling on the individual products , not the multior option ones, IYSWIM!
So, what am I doing wrong? Thanks!