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Developer or catalog?

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    Developer or catalog?


    We have a upcoming project where the client has already purchased the Actinic "catalog" (they have v5 I think but will be upgrading to v7 for this redesign).

    We've never developed an Actinic site before. To get up to speed asap I'm about to download the trial version.

    Am I best downloading the same subscription (catalog) or opting for the more advanced developer? I'm sure developer will be better for us in the long run but will it hinder us in the short term. Basically I don't want to get happy with the bells and whistles of the trial version of developer only to find I can't do certain things with the customer purchased catalog.

    Sorry this may be a simple question but I'm just trying to get my head around the different versions.



    I think if you are likely to produce other sites for other clients you might as well go for developer now. For the extra cost you'd save having to buy a new licence each time.

    The extra features might make your life easier from the start. - Actinic plugins, remote add to cart and custom CMS - More seeds and plants.... - Well it used to be Actinic...


      Dave thanks for the reply.

      I should have stated though. For this project we will be using the client's already purchased 'catalog' subscription. Us buying developer, or building any other sites with Actinic for that matter, will depend on how this project goes.

      My question is probably more about the difference between developer and catalog.


        Hi Jamie,

        I downloaded the trial a few months ago. At that time, you could choose each time you start up, what version you would use. If this is still the case then you don't have a problem. Choose Catalog to see if the clients requirements will be covered - Business or Developer for the more advanced features.

        There are comparison charts on the Actinic web site, showing the differences between Catalog and Business. The main things that immediately spring to mind for me are the more advanced search facility and discounting options that are available with Business, but not Catalog.

        As to whether or not to buy Developer or just use your clients Catalog software, I guess you have to come to a decision on how much you might use it again in the future. One thing I'm not sure of, maybe someone can answer this. Obviously if you're creating a site for a client who has bought the software, you can use that software to develop the site and then pass it all over to them. What happens in the future though, if the client wants you to update the site? They are already using the software, so you can't use it too, can you? In this case, would you and the client need to have purchased the software? (This question doesn't arise if you own Developer).

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          For this project we will be using the client's already purchased 'catalog' subscription.
          In this case you've already answered the question. A catalog subscription can't be used to run developer.

          You can find a comparison of the differences here:

          You might find the Dreamweaver extensions useful if you use dreamweaver, other than it might be best to use the same version as the customer will have as it will force you to think of work-arounds to anything that catalog doesn't include.


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            Originally posted by SusanF
            you could choose each time you start up, what version you would use. If this is still the case then you don't have a problem.
            so it does. many thanks all.

