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Postioning text

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    Postioning text

    Hi List,
    I have only had Actinic 7 for just over a week and I was wondering if someone
    might advise me on the two queries I have below please.

    1) If I create a new fragment, then select layout, then image only, image appears nicely in centre. However, if I select text only and write just a few words the text is more to the left! How can I centre the text or even change its colour?

    2) How do I place text or image in the left hand border on the "About us" page and "Link" page?

    I am currently uploading to the trail site at present which is

    This is my first attempt at layout so please forgive it being a little stark!

    My thanks to anyone who can advise me on this?

    Dave C

    Hi therre

    1) If you select Text you should see a "Edit" button next to it, if you simply click on it, it will open the template up which displays the brochure fragment. If you know HTML, then you could simply customise this to how you want it to be. Also if you still want the text fragment, then you should save the changed template to another name, and refer it to that.

    2) Are these what you have created yourself, a "Link" and a "About Us" page. If so, then you could simply edit the "Act_BrochurePrimary.html" and save it as another file, and change the overall layout to what you want. The "Act_BrochurePrimary.html" can be found in your "Site1" folder (C:\Program Files\Actinic v7\Sites\Site1).
    If you have Dreamweaver, you could simply open this file.

    Kind Regards
    Nadeem Rasool
    SellerDeck Development

