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Multiple Products

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    Multiple Products

    Not sure what I should be looking under with regards to the following - Product Groups Etc

    I have various products that I sell individually, but I also sell say a set of 5 for £???. How would I do this?



    You need to setup "Quantity Based Discounts"

    See page 18 of
    Owner of a broken heart


      I can see how that works but what I want to do is have a seperate product code that allows people to select it if they want a full set of cartridges that are also listed individually.

      E.g I sell 6 individual cartridges for a printer at £2.00 each If they purchased 1 of each it would total £12. I also want an individual product on the same page that says "full Set" £9.99.

      I can see how to create a product group and then I added the 6 cartridges to that group. How do I then create a product to use that group at a set price and to also adjust the stock??


        I'd do this using Components.

        The way you do this is first to set up a single product as normal.

        Then create a second product, and add a component to that product. You then set the component so that it uses 5 (or whatever) of the original product and that's it.

        Full instructions for creating components, etc are in the help files and user guides.


        First Tackle - Fly Fishing and Game Angling



          Again I can see how that works but because I want to use 6 different products to make up a set would I have to create 6 different components to that one product?


            Hi there,

            You would simply have one product, which can have 6 components. The component can be associated to a hidden product on the site. This would be the easier way of achieving what you want.

            Kind Regards
            Nadeem Rasool
            SellerDeck Development

