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Hidden Sections

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    Hidden Sections

    I've read a couple of posts along similar lines but I can't believe Actinic 6 won't allow me to hide certain sections based on the Price Schedule allocated to a particular user.

    I want the system to show some sections to some customers and not to others.

    If not through the Actinic UI, is there a way to do it using CustomVars and Dreamweavers Show/Hide Layer behaviour? I'd rather not go down this route if I can help it.

    Kind regards

    Jim Rixon

    There are two approached to take:

    1) Untick the 'Product Visible' checkbox for the 'Retail' row in the 'Prices' tab for all the products in a section. This will hide all products if customers try and view the section.

    2) In the Advanced User Guide, it describes a JavaScript expression which will bounce non-logged-in customers out of specific sections in your store.

    These techniques will still show the section link to retail customers, but they won't get any further.


      Thanks but this doesn't produce the desired result.

      I need the system to show only some sections to some users. We want our customers to be able to see only products that relate to them.

      I presume I could build one massive product list and assign certain products to be visible only when viewed by a user with the relevant price schedule. But then I can't divide my page into sections at all, apart from visually.

      Is it possible to incorporate some kind of javaScript if...then that will check the current users Price Schedule and then show them the relevant sections ie...

      if priceSchedule = "SpecialAccount" then
      --Section HTML
      --Other Sections HTML
      End if

      Kind regards



        Check out this knowledge base article:

        It may be possible to create a section link template that includes these special tags, and then use this template for any sections where you don't want unregistered customers being able to see the section link.



          This looks like it could do the trick. But where is the best place to put this code?

          If I put it before the Section List HTML (ID 1187) it will be applied to all sections, not just the one in question.

          The Section List template only contains a reference to NETQUOTEVAR:BULK.

          Kind regards,



            I would suggest creating a new section link layout template called something like Act_SectionLineTrade.html and then put the tags at the beginning and at the end of this template.

            Then select this template within the 'Layout' tab of any section that you do not want retail customers to see.



              This would work except that the Actinic:SHOWFORPRICESCHEDULE XML command requires the HTML to be encoded. I can encode the HTML in the act_sectionlinehidden.html page that I have created but it references NETQUOTEVARS that are not encoded.

              The plot thickens




                Well, the plot not so much thickens as backs out of a blind alley.

                This idea will not work as you will not be able to do all the encoding necessary to set up this section template correctly.

                You can hard-code a link to the section easily enough - and place this within Actinic:SHOWFORPRICESCHEDULE tags, but you won't be able to do an entire section link template.

                All I can suggest is to create a section link template specifically for the section you want to hide. Within this, you can hard-code a link to the section and hard-code an image in if you want, and not use any variables at all. This should then work.

                I have attached an example....
                Attached Files

