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images as section links to products

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    images as section links to products

    I want to use as a number of different thumbnail images that will link through to individual product pages with the add cart button etc.

    The advanced user guide says that:

    "It is possible to create a page that shows a selection of product thumbnails that allows your customers to click on the appropriate thumbnail to be shown a page of further information and an add to cart button".

    To do this it recommends that you

    "edit the default section link template (normally Act_SectionLine.html)"

    But wouldnt changing the NETQUOTEVAR:SECTIONIMAGE mean that you would just get the same thumbnail image for each section coz its a generic template?

    What i need to do is have a variety of thumbnail images linking to their relevant product pages (one product on a page).

    Am i missing something here? any advice would be greatly appreciated.

    If I understand you correctly, it is not question of replacing the NETQUOTEVAR:SECTIONIMAGE tags but of choosing an appropriate template for the (sub)sections.

    There are templates which will display images only for each section. When a user clicks on the image they go directly to the appropriate section. A section can (and, by design, often does) contain only one product. The product page can contain as much infomation as you like (including CUSTVARs if required).

    And there you have it. A clickable set of images which take you directly to a product page...
    Chris Brown


      Thanks Chris, but I dont think ive explained myself properly.

      My problem with the 'image only' template is that the layout, image and html used in this initial page are mirrored in all other pages that use this template.

      How do i make pages that use the same template contain independant images and links from each other? The only way i can see of changing the html is by changing the html of the top level template, which is what is causing the problem.

      My client wants the top level page in the "shop" area to contain 6 different logos, under each logo will be a series of model numbers that act as links through to individual product pages, is this possible, and if so how would i achieve it???

      Not sure if this makes sense but if someone out there knows what i mean then please get in touch


        The Section Link Layout template that you select within the 'Layout' tab of a section is used to create the link INTO that section.

        Within the template, the variable NETQUOTEVAR:SECTIONIMAGE inserts the image for that section. The size of this image is dynamically worked out from the image selected within the 'Image' field in the 'General' tab of the section. Therefore lots of sections can use the same section link template, but they can all have different looking images.

        Hope this helps clarify things.

