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netquotevars and brochure pages

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    netquotevars and brochure pages

    i'm using one of the layouts as a theme, and want to add the product navigation to brochureprimary.html

    the appropriate netquotevar is NETQUOTEVAR:TOPLEVELSECTIONSTOP

    One suggestion seems to be to use the generated code and copy it into the brochure page, but if the client then adds another section, the brochure page will be out of sync...

    Any ideas?

    Also is it possible to change the font size of the links. Without having to alter the size of actxxsmall.

    You can edit the javascripts used to build drop-down lists (from the AUG) to generate the lists for you.



      Yes - with a couple of conditions:

      1) You need to include the variable NETQUOTEVAR:SECTIONTREE_RAW (or NETQUOTEVAR:TOPLEVELSECTIONS_RAW if you are just doing the top level sections) in the headers of your store Primary template(s). This then creates the array file.

      2) You need ensure that you have the lines:

      <SCRIPT LANGUAGE="JavaScript" SRC="actiniccore.js" TYPE="text/javascript"></SCRIPT>
      <SCRIPT LANGUAGE="JavaScript" SRC="actinicextras.js" TYPE="text/javascript"></SCRIPT>
      in your Brochure overall layout template, and then underneath include the reference to the JavaScript array file e.g.
      <SCRIPT LANGUAGE="JavaScript" SRC="Act_section_tree.js" TYPE="text/javascript"></SCRIPT>

      3) I updated the code in the AUG earlier this week, so you may want to get hold of the latest one from the site.


        Ok I'm missing something quite fundamental here....

        You need to include the variable NETQUOTEVAR:SECTIONTREE_RAW (or NETQUOTEVAR:TOPLEVELSECTIONS_RAW if you are just doing the top level sections) in the headers of your store Primary template(s). This then creates the array file.
        what do you mean by include..... NETQUOTEVAR:SECTIONTREE_RAW is in ACT_PRIMARY in the <HEAD> but commented out, do I do something else?

        You need ensure that you have the lines: <SCRIPT LANGUAGE="JavaScript" SRC="actiniccore.js" TYPE="text/javascript"></SCRIPT>
        <SCRIPT LANGUAGE="JavaScript" SRC="actinicextras.js" TYPE="text/javascript"></SCRIPT>
        in your Brochure overall layout template, and then underneath include the reference to the JavaScript array file e.g.
        <SCRIPT LANGUAGE="JavaScript" SRC="Act_section_tree.js" TYPE="text/javascript"></SCRIPT>

        they are there (by default)

        All the example code in AUG is for drop bown boxes, I don't want them , I want the section links like the clean layouts

        Can someone put me out of my misery?


          NETQUOTEVAR:SECTIONTREE_RAW is in ACT_PRIMARY in the <HEAD> but commented out

          Well it is actually commented out with <!--@act --> comments, which are removed when Actinic generates the web pages. The comments are there for Dreamweaver's benefit - so that the presence of the NETQUOTEVAR does not disturb the 'Design View' in Dreamweaver.

          OK - I will have a go at putting you out your misery. This is what you need to do:

          1) You need to set up your store pages with the code for the JavaScript section lists so that they are working correctly. You need to do this before even thinking about transplanting this code to Dreamweaver. You will find some example code in the file I have attached to this email.

          2) Once you are happy with the section links in the store pages, upload your store (or at least go to 'Advanced | Generate Web Site'). Then open up one of your store pages in the 'SiteHTML' folder.

          3) Copy the line that reads:

          <SCRIPT LANGUAGE="JavaScript" SRC="Act_section_tree.js" TYPE="text/javascript"></SCRIPT>

          (this is what NETQUOTEVAR:SECTIONTREE_RAW has become) together with the rest of the JavaScript function into the Act_BrochurePrimary.html file. Also copy in the JavaScript code that is meant to go into the main body of the page.

          This should sort you out.
          Attached Files


            cheers chris

            this help to make the javascript section links work for the brochure page (Act_BrochurePrimary.html) but - not in netscape (7).

            the links try to find

            so tries to find pagename.html in the site root rather than in acatalog/ folder - thus 'HTTP/1.1 404 Object Not Found'.

            any tweaks, anyone?

            all the best



              Hi there,

              Please look at the following link as a solution;

              Click here

              Hope this helps
              Thank You
              Menar Khan


                Confusing but can be done

                After struggling with this problem of having the java created section list on the brochure pages we eventually found out what was needed for it to work.

                Chris is completely correct in saying you must get your store pages working with the javascript. This enables you to interegate the preview folder and the p_index.html file. In here below the following lines...

                <SCRIPT LANGUAGE="JavaScript" SRC="actiniccore.js" TYPE="text javascript"></SCRIPT>
                <SCRIPT LANGUAGE="JavaScript" SRC="actinicextras.js" TYPE="text/javascript"></SCRIPT>

                will be produced the code for calling the javscript file needed for the brochure page, something like...

                <SCRIPT LANGUAGE="JavaScript" SRC="Act_section_tree.js" TYPE="text/javascript"></SCRIPT>


                <SCRIPT LANGUAGE="JavaScript" SRC="Act_sections.js" TYPE="text/javascript"></SCRIPT>

                you need to copy this line and put it in the same place on the act_brochureprimary.html file

                Then put the rest of the javascript bits in their relevant places under this and on the page and hey presto (hopefully)

                Hope this adds something useful to the thread and clears up some confusion

                Regards Garry

