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Actinic Shipping Tables

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    Actinic Shipping Tables

    I am trying create shipping tables in Actinic using 3 different suppliers. Each supplier has a different rate for each state. How can I associate a shipping zone to a specific product? Or is there an easier way? Thanks!
    Last edited by shibe; 15-Apr-2005, 12:48 AM. Reason: extra info

    I think you probably have to do it with weight.

    Set products in the first group to be 0.00 kg
    Set products in the first group to be 0.01 kg
    Set products in the first group to be 1.00 kg

    Then create a shipping table that says

    0.00 kg Shipping charge for group A products
    0.99 Kg Shipping charge for group B products
    100 Kg Shipping charge for group C products

    You'll have to create a unique shipping table for each state, but at least you'll only have to do it once (until your suppliers change their charges).


    PS. This will work as long as no-one orders more than 99 units of a product.

    I don't know what you plan to do if a customer orders products from more than one supplier. Have You thought of standardising your shipping charges rather than using each suppliers charges?

    First Tackle - Fly Fishing and Game Angling



      The problem here is that each supplier is located in a different region. The price differs with the same state for each supplier. It would be better if I could standardize the shipping indeed.

      Is it possible to have only one shipping charge if the customer orders more then one product especially from the different suppliers?

      Also is it possible to have shipping kick in only with certain products?

      THnx......Pardon my ignorance but the whole shipping table thing is racking my brain.....


        hping ANYONE could help me brainstorm a bit more...thnx!!!!!


          Hi there

          Your shipping requirements are too difficult for Actinic to mode I'm afraid. It is currently only possible to set up one set of shipping values for all the products in your store. Even UPS Online Tools only calculate costs from a single geographical distribution location.

          What you will need to do is approximate a standard set of shipping costs that basically cover your costs no matter where the product is being sent from/to.

