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downloading new and completed orders on another copy of actinic

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    downloading new and completed orders on another copy of actinic

    Hi All,

    I'd be really greatful if someone could help me, one of my clients is currently in the process of handing over her business to someone else, but while the transistion is taking place she still requires an active copy of order manager in order to complete outstanding orders. Meanwhile the new girl needs to be able to download new orders coming through, plus view the old completed ones. Is this at all possible and how would it be done?

    Thanks in advance, Roona.

    If the new 'Girl' isn't processing the orders then she should leave them alone.

    That way, your client can download and process orders, and once the handover is ready all she needs to do is produce a snapshot for the new owner to install on her PC.


    PS. There's no need to post the same question 3 times. All you're doing is wasting the members time.

    First Tackle - Fly Fishing and Game Angling



      Thank you for your help, i'm sorry if I wasted anyone's time but I was really desperate for an answer, I though people viewing the version 7 section may not bother with the v5! It's end of play on a friday afternoon and my client really needed an answer.

      When the new 'Girl' imports the original snapshot will all the new orders that she's taken be over-written by the previous orders contained within the imported snapshot? Both copies will be being used at the same time so will contain different info that's just as important, for a few weeks, whilst the hand-over is taking place, it will be as though they were running the same business from two separate copies, is this possible?

      Thanks again.
      Last edited by roona; 15-Apr-2005, 04:33 PM. Reason: something to add...


        so is this a V7 or a V5 question?

        by posting in multiple forums, you've not got an answer - since it may differ between versions and I don't know if it has been answered somewhere else!!

        I think we need to start again


          When you install a snaptshot you're usually given the option to overwite or not overwrite the existing orders. There is no option to merge them.

          So one database of orders will remain and one will be discarded. That's why I suggested the best thing to do is for processing to be done on one PC only.


          First Tackle - Fly Fishing and Game Angling



            Jesus guys there's no need to be rude, if you're that bothered about the fact I posted in more than one place why'd you bother replying? It doesn't matter what version of actinic they're using as it could be any of them. I just wanted to know if it was at all possible, I simple yes or no would've been enough rather than picking holes. Nice community actinic's got going on here, Cheers for your help.


              It doesn't matter what version of actinic they're using as it could be any of them.
              The reply given often very much depends on the version of catalog being used. Olderscot has given you the answer, although the option to choose whether to overwrite orders is only avalable in V7. All other versions will overwrite.

              I am sorry if we upset you, but as you see we have a very sucessful community here, it works, people get answers. But in order for it to work it helps if everyone follows a few simple rules.

              1 post in the correct forum
              2 only post once
              3 thoroughly search the forums and knowledge base before posting.

