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Shopping Cart on Store Pages

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    Shopping Cart on Store Pages


    I am trying to get a summary of the shopping cart to appear on the pages in our catalog. I have searched through the community for help on this and followed the instructions on page 31/32 of the Advanced User Guide, but do not seem to be getting any results. I have added the text below to my Act_Primary.html, template but am not sure if was the right thing to do.

    <SCRIPT LANGUAGE="JavaScript" SRC="actinicextras.js" TYPE="text/javascript"></SCRIPT>

    <span class="actxxsmall">
    <script language="JavaScript">

    if (getCartItem(3) < 1)
    document.write("Your cart is empty")
    document.write("You have ordered ")
    document.write(getCartItem(3) + " item");

    if (getCartItem(3) >1)

    document.write("<br> at a cost of " + getCartItem(1));

    Although I've been using Actinic for a couple of years now I am sorry to admit that I have real trouble getting to grips with the templates in Actinic. I really need to get my head round them though as we need to improve the layout and design of our site! So any advice would be much appreciated.


    The line

    <SCRIPT LANGUAGE="JavaScript" SRC="actinicextras.js"

    isn't needed in Act_primary.html (it should already be there near the top) so best delete it.

    Now the remaining code should work as long as you've put it in a place where text will display. E.g. Somewhere in the <BODY..> . . . </BODY> and within a <TD> ... </TD> is usually correct.

    To test it add some normal text before the <span class="actxxsmall">
    and after the </span>


    <span class="actxxsmall">

    If you don't see "Hello There" on your pages then something fundamental is wrong.

    If you do see it, but no cart summary then there's something wrong with the JavaScript and the best way to diagnose that is to post an URL so we can see it.

    Alternatively look at your page with the Firefox browser ( and use Tools / JavaScript console to get decent diagnostics.
    Norman -
    Edinburgh, U K / Bitez, Turkey


      Hi Tanya,

      If you are thinking about updating the design of the site anyway, you could change to the Smart theme which automatically includes a summary of the shopping cart. I'm not sure though if this template is included in Version 6.

      Innovative and Original greetings cards for all occasions


        Thanks very much for the advice and quick responses.

        I had not put the code in the right place :-)
        However I now get the test "Hello there" at the very bottom of the pages but not the shopping cart, so I guess there must be something wrong. I have attached a txt of the Act_Primary and here is the URL of our store I'm sure it's something obvious that I am doing wrong, so apologies in advance.

        In the meantime I will download the Firefox browser to take a look at it.

        The Smart theme sounds good but must only be in V7 as I can't see it among the themes in V6 - never mind!

        Many thanks
        Attached Files


          I have just looked at the Javascript console in Firefox and it tells me that there are 2 errors:
          "getCookie is not defined"
          Source File: Line: 15
          "PreloadImages is not defined"

          Is this something that I have not uploaded correctly? I'm afraid I do not understand Javascript at all, so have no idea what these errors indicate.

          Any help much appreciated - however I can always revert to what we had originally.



            I have just discovered the Clean Layouts Themes in V6 that will put the shopping cart on the catalog pages, so will use that instead. Will revert to my original Act_Primary and upload the new theme.

            Thanks very much for the help Norman :-) I might need to get to grips with Javascript and templates one day.


