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Protx: Error with returning post-auth info to my server

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    Protx: Error with returning post-auth info to my server

    Hello folks. I'm really stuck here, I've done everything I can think of and no joy, so I've searched out the Mighty in the hope somebody might be abe to suggest what's going wrong...

    Just upgraded from V5 to V7 but now having a vexing problem with the PSP setup.

    The upgrader unhelpfully didn't copy over the edited though (this is manually edited to provide the encryption key and vendor e-mail address for Protx). As you'd expect, that meant that the Protx stage failed as soon as the payment process was sent to their site. That was the work of a moment to figure out and complete the relevant edits again though, and everything then progressed to the Protx payment gateway as before, and card info could be successfully entered.

    Except it doesn't complete properly, and I'm totally pulling my hair out trying to figure out what's fouling it up. :-(

    Within Actinic's Business Settings/Payment & Security the payment method is configured for Protx as before. The Merchant ID and Secret Key are completed as before. Beyond that and I'm not aware of where I might find any settings that might be wrong and in need of correcting.

    Here's exactly what currently happens;

    Everything seems to behave normally up to and including the entry of card info on Protx. When you get to their final page asking you to click to complete the payment it goes to an "Authorisation in progress, please wait" page, but then the following appears.


    Not Found
    The requested URL /XÛ\š]KØÙÚKXš[‹ÛÜÌ KœÔÑTUQS?ÑOLÉ?PÕSÓ?Qš[š\Ú “Ô‘T“•SP‘T?MMMMMMLL ŒÌLÌI”‘Q”QÑOZ LØIL™‰L™˜Û\š]IL™Z] L™˜XØ][ÙÉL™˜YZ[‰L™Z[ was not found on this server.

    Additionally, a 404 Not Found error was encountered while trying to use an ErrorDocument to handle the request.


    Apache/1.3.33 Server at Port 443


    As you can see this is generated by MY web server by the looks of it.

    I'm a bit puzzled there for starters, because there should be a PROTX page saying "Your payment has been made" or similar, and THEN upon clicking a PROCEED button on that page you get sent back to the merchant site and the subsequent Actinic Receipt page.

    On the other side of things, typically the transaction IS in fact completed and authorised. I can see the transaction all in good order on the Protx management console. The customer's Protx confirmation email is sent. My e-mail of the transaction "Success" from Protx arrives correctly. Although of course MY site's customer confirmation e-mail is not issued to the customer and Actinic doesn't get the completed payment info, so the order is listed as a PSP-Pending.

    Sadly this isn't always the case either, and sometimes the Protx authorisation is failing. The Protx console lists the failure only as;

    "Authorisation process could not complete. Transaction cancelled by the VSP System "

    ...although I notice that the AVS/CV2 checks are completed and an Auth Code is listed for these transactions.

    I have no idea why some are completing and some are being cancelled by the VSP system. I feel certain that this is something that won't be of any concern once the main critical proble is solved though, because ALL are failing to complete back to my merchant site.

    So here I sit, we're immediately seeing more orders than ever thanks to the easier site navigation now, yet ironically my customers are being treated to a processing failure as soon as they hand over their cash, so to speak.

    I've got no idea what the problem is and I've been through everything i can think of, I've scoured and made sure everything I changed when doing the original install of V5 was also provided for V7, and I've also had the latest version of from Protx, but here I still am.

    Well, there you have it. Can anyone help pleeeeeeease?

    OH! and I've just had the flash of inspiration after typing all this to use the old "cature card details for later processing" and use VSP Terminal on Protx until I find out how to fix the live payment. Phew! No more customers looking at an error page for now.... :-)

    Yours, Bewlidered, John.

    Hi John

    With upgrading, it should not upgrade the script, instead Actinic should use the v7 scripts rather than the previous version. So what this means is clients who are using Protex, they need to make the same change in the "", which can be found in "C:\Program Files\Actinic v7\Sites\Site1\CommonOCC".

    Just to clarify, please could you open your v5 "" and v7 and see if the same details are they for the following:

    # PROTX VPS Specific constants here

    my $sPassword = 'testvendor';
    my $sConfirmationEMail = '';

    Keeping in mind, then the code above it the default one which does not contain any data.

    Kind Regards
    Nadeem Rasool
    SellerDeck Development


      Hello Nadeem,

      Thanks for answering. Yes, both those fields have been changed to the Protx password and my notification email address, exactly as in the V5 file.

      I've also had Protx send me the most recent version of but the only difference I see is that the VPS protocol version is now 2.21;

      $sHiddenValues .= "<INPUT TYPE=HIDDEN NAME=\"VPSProtocol\" VALUE=\"2.21\">\n"; opposed to 2.20 in the V5 CommonOCC folder and in the original V7 OCCPROTXScriptTemplate (which I backed up before editing it)

      I've just run a Purge & Refresh too, the trouble persists.

      Feel free to run a test order (same goes for anyone who might be able to help!) - choose the PROTX payment method at the checkout, it's safely in test mode for now.

      Dummy Visa card 4929 0000 0000 6 with next month as expiry date.



        Possibly a silly question, but might make a difference - did you remember to increment the version number in OccUpgrade.ini when you redid the scripts?
        Text directoryWorldwide Actinic(TM) shops
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          Not a silly question at all!

          But unfortnately (in this case) yes, I've done that to run the upgrader each time OCCPROTXScriptTemplate's been changed.


            Hi John,

            Hmm... its the first time i have seen this error. I would suggest in registering an email ticket on, they will ask you for your snapshot. By the way, you must still have version 5 on your pc, if you refresh your site, so its version 5, does Protx work?

            Kind Regards
            Nadeem Rasool
            SellerDeck Development


              Hi Nadeem,

              I did register a support ticket on the day of my first post.

              I've heard nothing for several days now, and no snapshot has been requested so far. To be honest it's not really getting much attention. :-(

              Chap called Suresh Babu suggested a Purge and Refresh, and then changing the URL For Completed And Aborted Checkout and Home Page URL. All done and reported back, but there's very little movement at all. I've requested some activity or a hand-off to another advisor. Bit cheeky I possibly, but we're paying for Cover and I'd like to feel I'm getting some attention. All I know is you've been more helpful on here than the official channel... :-/

              To answer your question, yes, the Protx payment works properly with V5 uploaded.

              Since last time I've also backed up my tinkered-with Act_PrimaryRight.html and Act_PrimaryCheckout.html templates and put the originals for the Smart theme back in place just in case anything I've altered to change the appearance had messed up the Protx thing. No difference, it still fouls up with the originals of the Theme templates.

              All suggestions gratefully received at this point.



                Hi John,

                I can fully understand how you feel. Okay, its strange how version 5 will still work, but version 7 does not. I believe there is no considerable change within version 7 protx script, so i can't understand why you are getting this issue.
                Changing or editing templates should not report this problem, so to help you out, please could i have the following:

                1. Version 5 up-to-date snapshot
                2. Version 7 up-to-date snapshot

                You can send these files at communityadmin [@] and in the subject line, please mark it for my attention.

                Kind Regards
                Nadeem Rasool
                SellerDeck Development


                  Hi John

                  Just to let you know this is now fixed. We have spoken to Protx, who have fixed the issue on their end. I have now completed a successful test order using protx and can confirm it does go to the receipt page.

                  Kind Regards
                  Nadeem Rasool
                  SellerDeck Development


                    All is well!

                    Protx only fixed the problem on the test service though, so on Nadeem's advice they were duly asked to fix it on the live service also. They did so pretty sharpish and I'm happy to report it's all WORKING! WOOHOO!

                    Nadeem has saved the day and smoked out the culprits. Thank you VERY much for taking care of this. It was a dead end until you got involved.


