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freeze up on

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    freeze up on

    Despite deleting all the pl, pm, cat and fil files, and then replacing them from the "original" folder,getting the upgrade to 7.0.3, I cannot update or refresh my site. The software hangs when it gets to "sending base files" at
    Eventually, I get this:
    An error occurred while transferring files to the web site.

    Possible Cause:
    Network timed out
    Network is down
    FTP server is down
    Remote server disk is full
    The permissions on the file or directory on the remote
    server are locked
    If the file being sent is a CGI script
    ( or someone else may be
    using the same CGI script ID as you.
    Re-establish your network connection
    Be sure the FTP server is running
    Try re-installing the web site when the network is not so busy
    Make sure the disk is not full on the remote server
    Make sure the website and cgi-bin directories
    on the remote server are writable
    Make sure the files in the cgi-bin and website are writable
    Make sure your CGI script ID in the Advanced |
    Network Setup... dialog is unique for your web server.

    Any ideas? In English please, Im a bit of a novice!!!!!!

    Me Too

    Sorry Stitchy I am having this very same problem, however I also get a freeze and not responding message when I go to my network setting and click test.
    The system freezes when it reaches testing write permissions.

    Could I have accidentaly changed one of the setting that allows writing to my server?

    ifsogo eTail Ltd
    Ringwood, Hants


      I have a client with exactly the same problem, although I'm able to upload his site from my machine. The only possible cause I can see is his connection or broadband line.

      Can anyone from Actinic help please?

      ¤ The world wide web needn't cost the earth


        freeze up

        OK, OK, so this time it was my own fault..........extremely embarrassing but it turned out that I had run out of web space (yes I know!!!)
        Anyway, my site is back in order but I have a new problem. Now Actinic just crashes (actinic has encountered a problem, and will now close etc etc) when I try to take a snaphot back-up.


          still same problem!

          The problem is still here...Actually, it looks like the problem is the same as yours Artisan, as I thought everything was ok when I was uploading from my own laptop. I have just tried to upload from the PC at work, and even though I have tried all the upgrades and fixes suggested (not many cos Actinic arent exactly quick are they?*) and uninstalling actinic and then re-installing it.
          Still NO JOY!

          * I accept that they need 2 days to get back to you when a ticket is opened, but do they take 2 days EVERY time you write them an email on the same ticket?


            Have you tried the Help: Troubleshooting:Web site purge and refresh? this seams to have solved quite a few problems in the past
            Chris Ashdown


              Hi there

              Please check what version you both are running, if you are running 7.0.2 or 7.0.3, then in "Advance | Network Setup", check to see if you have "Use Enchanced FTP" ticked. If this is not ticked, then tick it and try again to upload. But if you have ticked it and it still fails, then please check then please check your site folder. There should be a log file here called "ActinicFTP_n.log".
              Where n represents a number. Please could you attach the log onto this thread, so i can take a look into it. The log contains the ftp commands of when Actinic is trying to upload to your server.

              Kind Regards
              Nadeem Rasool
              SellerDeck Development



                I have tried various options such as the ones in this thread as well as talking with my isp, none seem to work. However I did manage to upload the site yesterday, but today it is not working again.

                If it is any help this problem seems to have started since my ISP has activated the SSL on the server.

                I have attached the log file with the ext. changed to txt.


                Attached Files
                ifsogo eTail Ltd
                Ringwood, Hants


                  Can somebody suggest something - please!!!!

                  I have been trying to resolve this issue all day and I still cannot find the source of the problem.

                  If I go through the ftp wizard all is okay until I get to 'Checking Server POSTing' Actinic then becomes non responsive.

                  If I try and upload my site Actinic hangs on Loading

                  I have tried changing settings in Network setup, I have tried changing setting with permissions on the server side, I have gone through loads of the knowledge base, but to no avail.

                  I am running on a Web Fusion Actinic e-commerce host solution - Apache server, and have just had activated a Thawte secure certificate (as far as I know on the same server just under https.

                  Any ideas please I am at my witts end. I am sure it will be the most silly little thing like a simple setting somewhere! I hope

                  Thanks in advance

                  ifsogo eTail Ltd
                  Ringwood, Hants


                    Hi there

                    Okay what connection you going through, a router? Is it a netgear router? If so then try changing the MTU to 1500.
                    Are you going through a proxy server, like Microsoft ISA server, if so, then please read the following information.

                    Looking at the log it could also be a server problem, can you upload to a test server? Have you tried uploading to our trial server or even contacted webfusion to see if they can give you a test space to upload somewhere else.

                    Kind Regards
                    Nadeem Rasool
                    SellerDeck Development




                      You genius, yes I do indeed have a Netgear router and changing the MTU from 1458 to 1500 has indeed made the difference.


                      ifsogo eTail Ltd
                      Ringwood, Hants


                        Hi there

                        Thanks for that, so i can take it, its now working . Good to know, glad you can upload now.

                        Kind Regards
                        Nadeem Rasool
                        SellerDeck Development


                          Urgent Issue


                          I am having the same problem and I don't seem to be able to fix it. I'm using netgear as my router and I think I have changed the MTU to 1500 using DrTCP, is that the right way to do it and how can I check this has been changed. I have also removed the windows update that someone said could be causing this issue, but I'm still not able to upload my site and at the moment I don't have a site up their which is really causing me problems as I'm losing sales.

                          I'm on Actinic Business version

                          When I run a test in the network setting I get the following error:

                          An error occured while checking the FTP transfer mode -- 200 Type set to A
                          200 PORT command successful
                          425 Unable to build data connection: Connection timed out
                          Try using the other mode.

                          I have also attached my ftp error log file. Can someone please help me with this as it driving me up the wall?


                          Darren Tickle

                          Greetings cards, and gift wrap for every occasion.


                            Can some one please help me with this as I have no site at all because of this problem.

                            Darren Tickle

                            Greetings cards, and gift wrap for every occasion.


                              Netgear router

                              The way I did it (using a Netgear ADSL router DG834), was to get into the firmware of the router by typing its IP address into my browser (as per the router setup)

                              This should then take you to the setup page. Select WAN setup from the list.
                              At the bottom of this page you can type in the new MTU setting (mine was 1458, that I changed to 1500) click apply, then just to make sure I restarted my connection to my ISP.

                              Upload worked straight away.

                              I hope this solves your problem, as I know how frustrating it is trying to upload, having timeouts or non-response and not knowing what the issue is.

                              Good Luck!!
                              ifsogo eTail Ltd
                              Ringwood, Hants

