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Order Processing In Test Mode

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    Order Processing In Test Mode

    I have just built my first Actinic catalog and integrated it with HSBC Secure ePayments. The whole process has proved to be very straightforward and smooth and the first test mode on-line transactions went thru no with problems. However, in order processing (remember these are still test mode orders), I am unable to process the orders thru to completion manually as expected, they remain in the pending tab pane. But if I run the export reports utility they DO go into the completed pane. Is this just because I am running in test mode? I followed the steps specified in the help system rigorously. The payment in the Payments & progress tab is set to status 'test mode'. Can u advise please?

    One small improvement u could make, Actinic, is to rejig your invoice and packing note formats slightly so that the 'invoice to' address box can line up with the window of a DL size window envelope when printing on A4... would have saved me a lot of fiddly work in Crystal (early version 8 by the way, not 8.5) and shouldn't disrupt other paper size printing unduly...

    Hi David,

    Yes this is due to the fact that they are running in test mode. To put it in completed, you would simply go into the order, and click on the "Payment" tab along the top. Now simply click on "View Payment", and a new dialog box will appear. Simply click on "New Entry", this will tell Actinic you have authorised the hsbc payment. You do not have to do this when it running in production mode.

    I will pass on your other comments to the development team.

    Kind Regards
    Nadeem Rasool
    SellerDeck Development

