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Order Detail E-mail

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    Order Detail E-mail

    Can anyone suggest a way to receive an e-mail when an order is placed that contains the product codes that the customer ordered? Also if possible the order total would be useful.

    I seem to recall that we got this working in v5, but I can't for the life of me work out how to do it in v7 (7.02), and my v5 backups are long gone.

    Any suggestions gratefully received

    If you enter your own email address under | Business Settings | Ordering | Send Receipt Email to | this will send you a copy of what the customer has ordered, delivery address etc.. bar the payment details

    SellerDeck Designs and Responsive Themes


      Originally posted by jont
      If you enter your own email address under | Business Settings | Ordering | Send Receipt Email to | this will send you a copy of what the customer has ordered, delivery address etc.. bar the payment details
      Already done that, and it doesn't

      We just get the order number and the date. No order details. Actually looking at it, it seems that we don't get the receipt e-mail at all.

      I've just noticed that we have two addresses there, separated by a space. Maybe it needs to be a comma?

      Thanks for your reply


        No, it's definitely a space. The e-mail we get is as follows:

        Dear *********,
        Thank you for shopping blah blah blah.
        We have received and are processing the following order:
        Order Number: ABCD**********
        Order Date:   18 April 2005 19:43 GMT
        We will notify you by e-mail when the order has been despatched.
        Should you have any queries, please do not hesitate to contact us.
        etc. etc. etc.


          That's very odd.
          I get copy customer emails too and it does give the item short descriptions for what has been ordered, along with a total.
          Do note, however, that it does NOT give the product references (which would be really handy!)

          Ours are as follows

          Dear Mr Whoever,

          Thank you for shopping at Budget Bumps .
          We have received and are processing the following order:

          Order Number: MBxxxx
          Order Date: 20 April 2005 08:52 GMT

          Ship To:
          Mr Whoever
          United Kingdom

          Invoice To:
          Mr Whoever
          Somewhere else

          Shopping Cart (Prices in British Pounds)
          Twin Raincover 1 £15.00 £15.00
          (side-by-side/3 wheel)
          Subtotal: £15.00
          UK Shipping. Please note. Budget Bumps do not ship ou £1.00
          Total: £16.00


          blah blah

          I looked into it shpwing product references before and apparently I'd need them displaying online for that which I don't want.
          I is strange that you get such a brief email though, I'm sure someone will have encountered this before, sorry I couldn't help in that respect.


            Found it.

            It's all held within Act_CustomerEmail.txt, so you can modify this at your leisure. I have now changed ours, and it looks as if all of that detail is held within the <Actinic:CART/> variable.

            It definitely includes the product reference in ours, and I can't see a way to drill down into the CART variable to get at each of the product lines themselves.

            I'll persevere though, although I don't think I'll get very far

            Just looked, and ours shows "REFERENCE DESCRIPTION QUANTITY PRICE COST", which mirrors what we've got on screen.

            Messy though with the proportional spacing within the e-mail itself


              Actually, I've just reverted back to the original we had as above, because the <Actinic:CART/> variable just looks so messy in the customer's e-mail.

              I'd rather the customer got a nice neat e-mail showing the date and time of the order than one containing an unjustified block of messy text in the middle representing the cart contents

