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Product Components

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    Product Components

    I've setup a product 'X' which has a choice of 2 additional components that relate to the way the main product is despatched. Component 'A' costs £10 and 'B' £20, which is added to the final product price.

    I've now discovered, and via various threads here, that the component quantity is tied to the main product quantity. So if I order 5 of the product 'X' I also have to have 5 of a selected component 'A' or 'B'. However, in my scenario the component quantity must always be 1, not matter how many of the main product 'X' are ordered. Is there anyway of overcoming this as it is an essential requirement of my customer's spec? I know Chris D. has replied to similar enquiries on numerous occasions about this, so surely someone must have come up with an alternative, or Actinic themselves!

    Alternatively, is there a way of having a separate link to the components, which shouldn't be ordered individually as separate products. When product 'X' is ordered the user is taken to a separate hidden page containing component 'A' and 'B' and forced to make a choice?

    I've had thoughts about pop-up product links, but can't really resolve this in my mind. I know Norman offers a plugin for 'similar products', that would sort of work but not quite in the way I'd like.

    Hope this all makes sense.

    Anthony Deeming

    Green Jersey Web Design Ltd

    I don't know if this would help, but if you make A and B products with a maximum order quantity of one in the details for A or B and display them below the main product, X as options? That way, X can be as many as you like?
    If I'm not explaining this well, look at
    Here I have two products appearing together, and I would have thought product two could have A or B options?

    Last edited by anf1y; 20-Apr-2005, 03:10 PM. Reason: change link
    New Year - new YOU!
    (remove that cellulite before the summer comes -



      Thanks for the quick response.

      You've now got me thinking in a completely new way about this. I'll need to try to make the 2 components look like they're part of the overall product by creating new slimline product templates. But I think I should be able to do this, I'm assuming that's how you've got it to work so well on your pages.

      By the way I'm very impressed with your site.

      Anthony Deeming

      Green Jersey Web Design Ltd


        Thanks for the kind words Anthony. The page I directed you to is actually three fragments followed by two products, if that helps. The "slimline" product templates were as a result of suggestions made on this forum to other questions, so if you want a copy of the template, let me know!

        New Year - new YOU!
        (remove that cellulite before the summer comes -

