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Increasing Snapshot Size

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    Increasing Snapshot Size

    Hi Guys,

    I remotely work on our website and use snapshots to email back to the office to update their end. Snapshot size has already reached 7.5 MB, is there away to reduce it's size.

    We do have an image folder in Site1 which in is quite big but also I noticed there is Site1 (Actinic Upgrader Log) which is 3.5 MB.

    So how can I get my snapshot loose some weight?

    Thanks Mash

    Two things to do with this issue:
    First you can Open Actinic select housekeeping and compact the database.
    Also you can open ActinicCatalog.mdb (be smart here and back up before doing anything) using Access 2000 and run the utilities to compact the database.

    This will help reduce the file size some.

    What I recomend for customers who need to work from home as well as work. Set up a Windows RDC or direct connection. This will allow you to login to you PC at work and work from the desktop like you were sitting at your desk at work. Requirements for Windows Remote desktop connection Broadband ( both PC's) Windows XP professional on the host and a we bit of networking knowledge.

    For the security concsciece user You should have a firewall with some port forwarding enabled along with access control. Many of the top routers have whats needed. You can also set up a sub domain to point to the IP address of the work computer. This is the prefered option for a novice user like my wife who tends to mix up IP addresses when loggin in.

    If your broadband provider changes the IP often set up a dns hop program to automatically update the dns with the correct IP. You may want to check this service also if you need hardware for your RDC checkout our friends at Shop IT, I am sure they could help you with the hardware for a basic remote connect.

    Also you can configure VPN to work with RDC, the downside to VPS is its a bit slower running applications the upside is its all secure.

    I prefer a remote login option to passing datafiles. The files become to big and too slow to move. So there is too much time wasting when moving the files. Also that one time that you upload the wrong file and import new products and get the website outa sync will make you soooo mad you will be setting up that RDC for sure.


    Brian Johnson
    :::Sure Solutions Inc:::Professional Actinic templates from
    1-732-528-7635 x203


      Thanks Brain,

      Have do all the compacting but has little impact on the overal size.

      The other suggests are get but at the moment little out of my depth, syn issues are a concern.

      Having a duplicate does give us peace of mind, something happens to any of the PC we have a backup miles away, hopefully safe and sound.

      Has anyone worked with pcAnywhere?

      That Site1 file
      Site1 (Actinic Upgrader Log) which is 3.5 MB
      Can I do anything with that?



        Snapshots are just ZIP files. Change the extension from .acd to .zip and you can peek inside with WinZip. Click the Size column to sort by size and you'll see who the culprits are.
        Norman -
        Edinburgh, U K / Bitez, Turkey


          Thanks Norman, useful tip I will have a look, Mash


            Hi had a look with winzip, the database has been well zipped up, it looks like the images are the ones which are not compressed. Can this be improved?

            Cheers Mash


              Both the JPG and GIF image formats compress the data natively. This means that they're already as small as possible so are unlikely to show any improvement when zipped.
              Norman -
              Edinburgh, U K / Bitez, Turkey

