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Possible Bug in ?

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    Possible Bug in ?

    I have noticed since upgrading to the latest version that when you process an order offline and select a shipment class from the drop down list of possible options (in our case Standard, Express or Recorded) that the selection made is not been written to the sShippingDesription field in the orders table of the database as it was in the previous versions.

    If you then reviewed your order it in the normal orders window and look at the entry under shipping calculator it does not show the method you have selected, however if you then make the change here, this entery is written to the database.

    As this field is printed on our Invoices and is consequently used to trigger the delivery method we have had a number of complaints from customers paying for a service they have not received.

    Is it a bug or am I missing something?


    I think I have the same problem (if I understand you right)

    If I process an offline order, it doesn't matter which delivery I select (we offer free 2nd class or priority for £1), the order always prints with second class selected although it does give a correct order total, adding the £1 to the product total.

    I have to go INTO the actual order and amend it in there for it to print out as priority.

    I agree that it must be a bug in this version.
    Perhaps Actinic can confirm this?


      Hi Tracy

      Yes thats the problem, description not the amount.



        Just wondered if Chris or anyone had any comment on this or should I report it direct to support as an issue?



          Hi there

          I am trying to reproduce this bug and can't. Please could you attach some screenshots onto the thread explaining the problem.

          Kind Regards
          Nadeem Rasool
          SellerDeck Development


            Offline order..
            Item added (shot1.gif)
            Next screen, confirms order info and then I change the shipping option to the (non-default) optional priority handling at £1 (changedship.gif)
            I only have 2 levels of shipping, free 2nd class or priority for £1.
            It doesn't change the calculated shipping cost when I do this so I click "update" (clickupdate.gif) and, here's the error, it changes the "charge" back to £0.00
            I can't get it to change to £1 in the offline process at all.
            If I go into the order itself (when in the pending tab or whatever) I see "offlineorder.gif" which is clearly a jumbled mess!
            Everything points to the selection of the £1 shipping but it doesn't charge it.
            I have to clikc "update order shipping" in this tab to change it to £1 and get the correct order total.
            Clear as mud?
            Happens to me regularly so if you need any more info, just holler!


              Hi Tracey

              Excellent, appreciate this, am now passing this through to the development team, yes it looks like this is a bug.

              Kind Regards
              Nadeem Rasool
              SellerDeck Development


                I just tried the same thing. If you select a method from the drop-down menu, it appears you have to manually enter the "new" charge shown in Charge into Calculated Shipping Cost, (because it doesn't reflect the table one - its default is zero) then Update. This then passes it across to the Charge column on the right. It's probably a "feature" to allow you to override the calculated cost from your charges list!!!
                New Year - new YOU!
                (remove that cellulite before the summer comes -

