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importing site snapshot & purging files

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    importing site snapshot & purging files

    Hi all, I have recently uploaded 25 gig of dd files to my that took some time!....but now I have to change computers (new laptop)

    I have exported the site and imported the site on my new laptop...all seems to be going well.

    When I update my site on the new laptop it goes through the motions but when It gets to the purging files section, the progress bar slows down as if it is doing some serious purging!!!

    It;s at this point I chicken out and cancel as I can;t go through the massive upload again.

    Can any one please advise me that all is fine...or is there something I need to do ?

    Also is there any way I can protect my dd files from being purged?

    by the way the dd files are stored on a firewire drive(which is connected and seen by the new laptop & has the same drive name & letter)

    Any help would be moy, moy dudarme (helpful)

    Kind regards


    When the progress bar slows to a crawl is it actually in the purge files position or uploading the files? I have noticed the task list is sometimes out of sync and it is actually uploading the new files but states it is still on the purge task.

    One word of advice is NEVER hit cancel during an upload - I offer this advice from hard learnt experience - it took me several hours and a complete re-build to get everything back up again after hitting the innocent cancel button.

    SellerDeck Designs and Responsive Themes


      Hi, thanks for your response....the progress bar is definately in the purge stage when it starts to crawl slow!

      Is there any way to stop the dd files from being purged from the server or do you think its just trying to purge my previews (qt steaming files these add up to about 300mb)

      As you mentioned once you cancel during an upload the site becomes corrupt & this is now the case with me!

      Any more suggestions!!!



        It may be due to the importing of the snapshot from one pc to another with it adding a different time stamp to that found on the website during the previous update - not sure if this is the case as I never have the need to use this facility - maybe someone else can comment on this?

        If this is the case then it will be uplaoding the files afresh as it thinks they have changed when comparing against the website!

        SellerDeck Designs and Responsive Themes

