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Improving look of cart in customer emails

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    Improving look of cart in customer emails

    This seems to be a perennial question but I can't find much reference to it except in emails from back in 2003 so wondering if I am missing something that has been solved.

    The problem is with the formatting of the shopping cart element in the customer emails, which is very messy and looks confusing.

    The threads I hav looked at are:


    Has any fix been found with this since then?

    Many thanks


    I looked at this the other day, and as far as I can see, the answer is no

    As long as your e-mail reader is using proportional fonts, then the tab separated items are in the CART variable are always going to be scrunched up.

    I have actually removed this from our customer e-mails because it looks awful.


      Thanks for replying, taliesyn.

      So do you just have the order number in the customer emails then?

      I'm trying to think whether I would care for that as a customer - ie thinking "What order is this again?" Have you had any feedback on those lines from customers?


        Originally posted by johking
        Thanks for replying, taliesyn.

        So do you just have the order number in the customer emails then?

        I'm trying to think whether I would care for that as a customer - ie thinking "What order is this again?" Have you had any feedback on those lines from customers?
        I just have Order Number and Time/Date (See:

        I'd ideally like to tell them what they've actually ordered in the e-mail, but hey ho. I'm working on the theory that any order acknowledgement is better than none.


          I see what you mean, it does look better...

          What about the shipping and payment received emails - do you send them? We are going to have to because some of the items are going to be pre-ordered and you can't expect folk to remember an order number from a wee while ago.

          If anything they look even worse I think


            No, we don't send them. Our PSP (Protx) sends an e-mail out confirming payment so we don't bother with those.


              On that thread you posted, your example customer email says - We will notify you by e-mail when the order has been despatched. So do you just do that manually then?


                While I agree that the layout is a little untidy, I leave the details of the order intact within the confirmation email to ensure full compliance with the Distance Selling Regulations(2000) and E-Commerce Regulations(2002).

                Technically, I guess just saying your order no 123456 value 50.87 is compliant, but why leave the question open? 3 widgets at 10.00, 6 wodgets at 5.00 total 60.00 is definitely a firmer contract.

                Just my opinion..
                Text directoryWorldwide Actinic(TM) shops
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                  Originally posted by johking
                  On that thread you posted, your example customer email says - We will notify you by e-mail when the order has been despatched. So do you just do that manually then?
                  Yes, pretty much so.

                  Originally posted by wjcampbe
                  While I agree that the layout is a little untidy, I leave the details of the order intact within the confirmation email to ensure full compliance with the Distance Selling Regulations(2000) and E-Commerce Regulations(2002).

                  Technically, I guess just saying your order no 123456 value 50.87 is compliant, but why leave the question open? 3 widgets at 10.00, 6 wodgets at 5.00 total 60.00 is definitely a firmer contract.

                  Just my opinion..
                  It's more than a little untidy, especially if there are several order lines. Quite frankly I don't feel that a full order confirmation e-mail containing all the order lines is within the scope of the DSR or the E-Commerce Regs.

                  Believe me, I'd much prefer to have them in there if I could, although I feel that it looks awful and therefore makes us look unprofessional.


                    This (the way e-mails look) can be down to your e-mail software wrapping text to a fixed number of digits.
                    Owner of a broken heart


                      It's more to do with the fact that most e-mail software uses fonts with proportional spacing rather than wrapping the lines.

                      Cart Contents look OK with fixed fonts.


                        The VB Code tag uses fixed width fonts so as you can see:

                        Dear Fdsfsdfdsfs,
                        Thank you for shopping at blahblahblah
                        We have received and are processing the following order:
                        Order Number: FSSFSD10010329
                        Order Date:   20 April 2005 11:24 GMT
                        Ship To:
                        United Kingdom 
                        Shopping Cart (Prices in British Pounds)
                         REFERENCE         DESCRIPTION                     QUANTITY        PRICE         COST 
                         AB123             Description Here                       1       £24.95       £24.95 
                                                                                       Subtotal:       £24.95
                                                                                          Total:       £24.95
                        We will notify you by e-mail when the order has been despatched.
                        Should you have any queries, please do not hesitate to contact us.
                        everything lines up.

                        Just copy an e-mail with cart contents from your e-mail program into NOTEPAD and you will get the same result.

