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Non Consecutive Order numbers

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    Non Consecutive Order numbers

    I misposted here; v5 thread - having same problem in v6.1.4 - was anything resolved?



    I'm afraid not. The best explanation we coupld come up with was the order numbering file not unlocking correctly on occasion and causing an order number to skip. It isn't to do with missing orders.


      Chris, thanks - so I shouldn't be too concerned about +-12% of order numbers missing (taken from a sample of 1000)?


        First of all, you need to ensure that the missing order numbers are not, in fact, in the 'Pending Payment Service Provider' tab - i.e. the customer has completed the Actinic part of the checkout, but then cancelled the order when going out to the PSP.

        Once you have confirmed this, I suggest contacting our support team on as it sounds like you have a web server that is a little slow to lock and unlock files. The team can run some tests and figure out what is going wrong.


          Missing Order Numbers

          The missing order numbers that we occasionally get seem to be linked to a user having their security settings too high such that active scripting is disabled.

          If a user has "Active Scripting" disabled, the credit card entry stage fails. The message "SIGNATURE DIGITS REQUIRED" is continously presented even though the user has entered the digits correctly.

          To test this I disabled active scripting in my browser and tried to put an order through my site. I get the above message when I try to put in my credit card details and am unable to complete the order. Then I re-enabled active scripting and placed another order on a different PC. Sure enough, when I downloaded the order, the number had skipped one.

          I am using Actinic SSL and I am not using a payment gateway. The missing order doesn't appear in the 'Pending Payment Service Provider' tab.


            Yup, known problem with V6; failure to complete the payment stage using actinics on-site CC processing leads to an order number being allocated to the order, but no order being created.


            First Tackle - Fly Fishing and Game Angling


