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Drop Down & Quantity

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    Drop Down & Quantity

    Am so close to finishing a site but struggling with this... Have a product, lip balms, which have different flavours and come in pots or as sticks. Have got them separated into pots and sticks then added a drop down for the different flavours. However have now lost the 'quantity' option on the product page. It's on the Order Details page that follows but with a blank field under the quantity box which doesn't seem to have any relevance but has to be filled in before you can click on 'Confirm/Checkout'.

    Ideally I'd prefer to have the quantity option on the product page as so avoid this extra step, but if that's not possible, then how do I delete the second text field box?? Have searched the help, knowledge base and this forum but have struck a blank so far. Any ideas will be very very gratefully received!

    Check that the products Section / Layout / Shopping Mode is Quantity on Product page.

    If that's as it should be:

    Do you have other products on the same page as this mystery one?

    Are they showing the Quantity box OK?

    Is this mystery other field a text one? Perhaps you've entered something in the Product Details / Other Info prompt that's causing this.
    Norman -
    Edinburgh, U K / Bitez, Turkey


      Thanks for the tips - had a check and everything is as it should be - ie same as other pages but it's just where I have a drop down that the Quantity field has disappeared.

      Am building the site on a spare domain where you can see the page:

      The quantity is missing here; click on add to card and when you get to the Order Details you can see the blank text fields. Any other ideas please?!


        That page appears to be set to Quantity on Confirmation Page. Double check that please. Report what is actually set in that Sections Shoppping Mode.

        Also add a new product there with no Attributes / Choices and see what happens.

        Also the mystery text field seems to be due to a blank (just few spaces in there perhaps) Other Info Prompt.
        Norman -
        Edinburgh, U K / Bitez, Turkey


          Yes - you were right! Looked again and had Set as Parent checked so quantity appearing on product page - thank you.

          However the blank text box is now appearing above the quantity box on the product page and is a required field, so assume that it's somehow linked to the quantity field... Have gone through each item in product details but can't find any blank spaces or anything else that could be causing it.

          Looking at the code it's showing this:
          <INPUT TYPE=text NAME="O_54" SIZE="60" MAXLENGTH="1000" VALUE="" > </span><span class="actxsmall"> </span><span class="actxsmall"> <Actinic:CartError ProdRef="54"/>

          However no idea how it got there! Sorry, more help please!


            Did this text box appear when you created a clean new product?

            What's on your wierd products Other Info Prompt? Make sure that field is empty (and watch out for any extraneous spaces that may be in there).
            Norman -
            Edinburgh, U K / Bitez, Turkey


              Thanks for your help - went carefully through each section but couldn't spot anything untoward so decided to delete what's there and start the pages from scratch again, of course it all appears to be fine now!

