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Variant Label Layout

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    Variant Label Layout

    I have 2 different component options for a product. I've used VARIANTLABELs and VARIANTSELECTORs and a HTML table, to give the components a uniform layout. However, there's a <BR> tag appearing before the second VARIANTLABEL 'CPUs', which forces the label out of line with the top of its associated dropdown. I've attached a screen shot to show you what I mean.

    I'm having a little bother finding the locality of the <BR> tag that forces the 'CPUs' label down a line. I've checked the Act_VariantAttributeName file and there's no sign of the <BR>, so I assume it's part of the HTML Text options....but which one?!

    Anyone got any ideas.

    Attached Files
    Anthony Deeming

    Green Jersey Web Design Ltd

    There's a <br> at the end of the line in the default Act_VariantAttributeName. Double-check there.

    Also it could be coming from the Separator option in the Attribute or Choice.
    Norman -
    Edinburgh, U K / Bitez, Turkey


      Hi Norman

      No it's not the Act_VariantAttributeName, I'd already removed the <br> in there for other reasons.

      I've just checked the component and attribute setup and removed any <br> or <p> tag options and the <BR>s just keep coming back in preview mode. It's funny because the 'Processor' option above CPU's has a <br> in the same place, yet I can use valign="top" in the <td> tag and it works just fine.

      I think I might have to systematically go through every <BR> in Actinic's HTML text options, until I identify it.

      Anthony Deeming

      Green Jersey Web Design Ltd


        OK I've found it! Why I didn't just do this in the first place is another mystery of my slightly skewed logic.

        For anyone who comes across this in future the <BR> tag can be found in Design > Text > HTML and search for ID 2045. That's the little blighter that's just wasted me an hour or two.

        Thanks for your help Norman.
        Anthony Deeming

        Green Jersey Web Design Ltd


          When I'm looking for a hard-to-find tag in Design / Text I do the following (let's assume it a <BR> that needs locating):-

          Use Design / Text / Search to locate every <BR>.

          Replace the first one with <BR>1

          Replace then second found with <BR>2

          Repeat using 3,4,5, etc until all found.

          Now Update or Preview the site and see what shows up where.

          Finally go back into Design / Text and replace all <BR>n with just <BR>
          Norman -
          Edinburgh, U K / Bitez, Turkey


            That's an neat idea and would still have saved me valuable time. I went through them one by one putting a '*' next to them. I have to say I was extremely lucky as it was the second one I tried.
            Anthony Deeming

            Green Jersey Web Design Ltd

