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expandable menu

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    expandable menu


    I'm having a slight problem with my side menu - the site i'm working on has too many products (over 3.5 thousand) and the side menu is getting a bit out of hand - see site

    What i would like is: have the 4 main section - and have them open up when clicked - revealing the sub sections.

    I want the left side menu to work like the one used on this site

    how is this effect acheived. I've searched the site and couldn't find anything on it. I'm sure the answer is in there somewhere but my time is running out. The boss wants me to have something to show the client by Friday.

    thank you in advance


    I'm not 100% sure on how you can create such a menu, but there is a menu that says it does what you want from here Tree Menu

    Haven't used it myself, but looks as though it's what you're after?




      That looks like hand-coded navigation, and might be hard work for a site that's undergoing many changes.

      Paul (the site owner) is active on the Forum and can probably tell you more.

      You may also want to look at NorTree or NorCascade that automatically build dynamic menus from the Actinic site structure. Details on
      Norman -
      Edinburgh, U K / Bitez, Turkey


        thanks for that site - it was very helpful.

        Is there nothing i can do in the actinic settings that will replicate the effect featured in the site that my client likes so much. Even if it means the menus will only appear to have opned (revealing more sections) when you enter the next section.
        Like a fake drop down.

        My concern is there is so many products and i need something that can be implimented really quickly throughout the site

        once again - thank you for all help in advance.


          Phew! Up all night working on this!! Worth it though!!!

          It CAN be integrated with the Actinic Section Structure so it appears automatically. I've managed to create a replacement for the Actinic YahooSections routine that opens and collapses the sub-levels - just like the KJ Beckett site.

          It was quite a bit of work so you'd best contact me by e-mail if interested.
          Norman -
          Edinburgh, U K / Bitez, Turkey

