I created a single add to cart button on the site for a specific reason (although I can't remember what that was) and I've noticed that a line appears underneath the product before the Add to Cart symbol.
Is it possible to remove this line as I think it may be slightly confusing for the customer?
I created a single add to cart button on the site for a specific reason (although I can't remember what that was)
...lol, I like that...
This is an alternative to David’s post above.
The reason the line is there is to visually separate products on a page and when you use the single add-to-cart button, you use it so a customer can add multiple products from the same page to the cart in one go, but on most of your pages, the page only contains one product per page, if its not too important you could change back to the individual product add-to-cart button? You could do this by un-ticking the ‘single add to cart button’ in each ‘Section’ in the Catalog view.
I also noticed that you have at least 2 images not showing, they may look to you like they are showing, but they are not online. The images are: 'phone.gif' Contacting Us image and 'delivery.gif 'FREE delivery on ALL orders image...the path is looking on your C: drive for these images, which will be visible to you on your Computer, but not anyone else. You need to copy the images inside root folder and change the path to them, and update the site.