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Astrology template

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    Astrology template

    I am using the Astrology template that ships with v 7 25

    I have created a section named Readings in the Online Catalog with 3 subordinate products i.e. Detailed, Personal, Year

    The section is displayed to the user when an Astrological profile form is completed and submitted

    I would like to suppress the links at the top of the Readings page, namely Catalog, Contact Us, Search & Up

    Is it possible to remove the Section link too, i.e. Readings (which is superfluous, because it links to itself)

    I also have an external image which is not being uploaded. Where do I put this image so that Actinic uploads it, or do I have to add it manually with ftp...

    TIA, Vogue

    Hi there

    I would like to suppress the links at the top of the Readings page, namely Catalog, Contact Us, Search & Up
    Do you want to get rid of the above, if so, then simply go to "Design | Option | Navigation", and remove the reference picture and text.

    Is it possible to remove the Section link too, i.e. Readings (which is superfluous, because it links to itself)
    Please could you provide more information on this and if possible show us an example

    I also have an external image which is not being uploaded. Where do I put this image so that Actinic uploads it, or do I have to add it manually with ftp...
    Is this image referenced in Actinic, if not, then you could use "Advance | Additional File", add the image here, however when you do an upload, it will place the image file in the /acatalog/ folder

    Kind Regards
    Nadeem Rasool
    SellerDeck Development


      Thanks very much. On the second point I found a way to get rid of the Readings link by checking Design Option | Sections | Location and Arrangement of Top Level Sections List. Now I know what to do with the image which Actinic can't see.


