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Components & stock control

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    Components & stock control

    Am going round in circles - not helped by the site being live and taking orders for the bit I am trying to alter!

    I have a problem with understanding Actinic logic.

    I have a set of 3 items I want to sell at a "kit" price. I need the individual items to be recorded in the stock control. I set up 3 components, one for each item in the kit, and have priced them individually to reflect the reduced price within the kit, selected "use associated product name" ( but not associated price) and selected "sum of components prices" in the product. But the product price does NOT seem to reflect any component price change.

    I would like to display the kit as a product, but have the stock control reduce by the individual components. What I have done doesn't seem to achieve what I want. Should I be selecting "component as seperate order line"?

    Any help gratefully appreciated...
    New Year - new YOU!
    (remove that cellulite before the summer comes -

    Right, I think what you need to do is this
    I'm assuming that your "kit" price is set (as in the 3 components are unchangable?)
    In which case, the best way to do it would be to either
    a) Give the components a price (top right in the component details) and make the 3 add up to your total. Then use "sum of component prices" in the main "kit" product settings OR
    b), the easier way of doing it and what I do... to give the "kit" a PRODUCT PRICE of the KIT price and use the pricing model "Product price" instead of component prices (so it will ignore your associated product prices (leave this setting as it is, unchecked) and use the main kit price instead)
    As long as your components are set up right (which they seem to be, using the associated product name but not price) and you have stock control set for your associated products (no need to have it enabled for the main KIT product, better not to really) then it should work fine. HOpe that all makes sense!

    Does this do what you want it to? It's what I do


      Thanks for that. I have amended as you suggested and removed stock control from the kits. The stock control bit works now, but I'm not keen on the fact that the invoice implies the customer is getting four products, ie the kit + 3 individual items. I know it says only 1 item is despatched, but I would prefer either/or not both descriptions. How do you get round that?

      New Year - new YOU!
      (remove that cellulite before the summer comes -


        Best way to solve that is to give the 3 components a combination of prices that adds up to the kit price and choose the pricing model "sum of component prices"
        That way you can ensure that the "no orderline for main product" (ie the "kit" itself) is checked and it'll just show the 3 components on the invoice/packing list.
        I'm not a big fan of this option as I htink it looks a bit unsightly having the indivdual prices listed. I'd prefer the total "kit" price to show singly but lisitng *just* the components.
        Unfortunately, it isn't possible to format it this way.

        THe alternative is to have the components not listed, just the kit.
        I'm unsure how to achieve this though. Possibly by *not* giving the components the "associated product name" and by making sure that the component name is something short? Or by deselecting "Component as separate orderline"? Maybe someone can clarify. Would that then just dispaly the "kit" alone?

        To be honest, I haven't find an ideal way of doing this myself. In some instances where I do this in my store, I'd prefer the components only listed but with the "kit" price total but I've not found a way to do it yet.
        I seem to think TraceyG (Actinic) did say that it wasn't possibe?

        Hope this helps a bit anyway.

