I have just completed a reprt on my site which failed a search engine optimisation check, i am a little confused how the Actinic software deals with these things do i need to edit them in front page or are there settings to deal with these?
What exactly did the SEO report say? They often give clues at what to add, change, remove etc. If it is the Meta and Keywords as the thread title suggests you can add these to each section - making sure you don't inhert the parent section properties - best to keep each section different. There are lots of threads on here regarding Meta tags and keywords.
Keep in mind if you edit the pages in Frontpage (or any external editor) they will not be updated when you generate the site from within Actinic. v7 generally does a very good job at SEO with a little common sense from the user and with lots of relevent info / text next to each product.
Take any SEO report with a pinch of salt - most are trying to sell their services so will slant the results accordingly and as the search engines do not publish their search criteria there is no benchmark to mark the results against.