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Act Primary Brochure

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    Act Primary Brochure


    Sorry many questions so I will try to be concise...

    1. Using Act primary brochure as need to use fragments etc. What do I need to do to this page to make it run NETVARQUOTES like Act Primary? At the moment they just appear as they are at the top left of the page. i have added the extra javascript line as advised but this make no difference. Is it somethign to do with the path to the javascript file (what with index.html being one directory down?)?

    2. Additionally I wish to do a yahoo style listing on this page for each of my three main depts. How can I do this in three columns (one per dept showing all sub depts)?

    3. I also want to link to these three main depts as hard coded links in my nav bar. How do I get the hard code url for depts and sub depts?

    4. I have created some additional brochure pages in actinic. Assuming I have done this correctly I have set a filename and then create a page of this name in site1 root. Although I can link to these pages and make them load they lose the template surround (ie header and nav etc) how do I include this or do I need to copy this template into each page (I hope not as updates would be a nightmare!!!)?

    5. Finally i have created a link to the basket using a link i got from this forum (!

    I get the following error...

    Error: There is no valid input parameters for the script! Check the referencing HTML code!

    Any ideas?

    Thanks in advance.

    Blog, Twitter, Facebook
    Actinic Ecommerce, CMS and Video production

    Lots there... let me see

    If you want the yahoo style list on your brochure pages then you will need the code in the attached file in your <HEAD></HEAD> section of your Brochure Overall Layout Templates. Note that you just use the name of the *.js file without any path information and your brochure pages seem to find everything OK. Make sure the code goes under the actiniccore.js line.

    You would need to to add <table><tr> and <td> tags into the JavaScript expression to lay out the list in three columns. Of the top of my head, I can't work out how you would do this. It may not be possible as the JavaScript just goes through each row in the array in trun, and probably does not allow for grouping together in the way you describe.

    If you want to hard-code section links, the easiest way to get the section URLs is to create a temporary brochure fragment and then create a link within it that points to your desired section. Upload the site and Actinic will have created a perfectly formatted link to your desired section. You can just pinch the HTML from this.

    I don't really understand your question on brochure pages in your Site1 folder. Are you saying that your extra brochure pages are using the incorrect layout template? This is set within the 'Layout' field of the brochure page.

    Don't know why your cart link is not working. Do you have an online page for me to look at with the error in evidence?
    Attached Files


      Thanks Chris,

      I have solved 3 and 4 ok now.

      Re point 5 please look at

      If you click on the basket you will see what I mean.

      I will have a go at converting the act brochure primary using the text file you gave me - thanks for that.

      Finally with the yahoo style listing I want to make one for each of my nine fixed (main) depts which will then show what ever depts are created inside by the client. I have attached a screenshot so that you can see what the overall site should look like...

      As you can see I would really wnat to have some code where I could specifiy a listing of what was inside of Inline/Skates etc... in effect i would like to use this list 9 times for each dept but would just want to specifiy the starting point.

      Thanks once again...

      Attached Files
      Blog, Twitter, Facebook
      Actinic Ecommerce, CMS and Video production


        Nice looking site.

        When I go to and click on 'View Your Basket' I view an empty shopping cart. It seems OK. What you may have are dodgy session files knocking round in your 'acatalog' folder online. Delete all files with an extension of *.session.

        With regards to your checkout, you need to add an encoded '!' to the end of the URL. It should read:

        With regards to the Yahoo style list, it will not be possible to do this in three columns. I'm sorry about that. The only way through would be to hard-code, but of course this is unsuitable for you.

        The only thing I can think of is to hard-code the main navigation as you want it, and then have a more detailed navigation list available which would present the sections in a list, one underneath the other, and be controlled by the js array.

