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Need Product Page Help

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    Need Product Page Help

    Hi there,
    I am new to Actinic but have spent over 8 hours trying to solve this issue before posting this question.

    On the section page where it lists brief summaries for all the products in that section, I am wanting to have a link to a dedicated page for each product without using the pop-up feature. My store is selling DVDs and lets say that in the 'Action Movies' section there is a list of all the Action Movies. By each movie cover is the short summary (price, brief description, add to art etc). Ok, I want to list a full review of each movie including additional images captured from the movie but I do not want to use a pop-up for this. I want to have a link by each title saying something like "Click Here for Full Review" and I want that link to go to a dedicated page for just that film.

    How do I setup an unique individual page for each product?

    I very much appreciate any help received from the community. Thanks so much


    There are (at least) 2 possibilities.

    1) Simply use 1 product per Section. Thus you have a section with a list of all the sub-sections and each sub-section only contains 1 product. You can also amend Act_SectionLine.html to lay out the sections in a more tabular way.

    2) There are posts on this Forum about altering the popup Extended Info pages so they open in the same browser window. This won't put the add-to cart button on these pages, however, so customers would have to go back to the prior page to actually buy.

    Also there are ways to get the popup page to have full details (Choices, prompts, etc) and an Add to Cart button. See for such patches.
    Norman -
    Edinburgh, U K / Bitez, Turkey


      Originally posted by Chaordic
      Hi there,
      I am new to Actinic but have spent over 8 hours trying to solve this issue before posting this question.

      On the section page where it lists brief summaries for all the products in that section, I am wanting to have a link to a dedicated page for each product without using the pop-up feature. My store is selling DVDs and lets say that in the 'Action Movies' section there is a list of all the Action Movies. By each movie cover is the short summary (price, brief description, add to art etc). Ok, I want to list a full review of each movie including additional images captured from the movie but I do not want to use a pop-up for this. I want to have a link by each title saying something like "Click Here for Full Review" and I want that link to go to a dedicated page for just that film.

      How do I setup an unique individual page for each product?

      Take a look at If you select, say, Beauty, it takes you to an overview of products. Clicking on a picture takes you to more detail. Is this what you want?

      New Year - new YOU!
      (remove that cellulite before the summer comes -



        Clicking on a picture takes you to more detail.
        I'm getting a directory listing of if I do that. Not all your pages but Beauty certainly fails.

        I was able to take a peek at your defined top-level CustomVars by downloading one of the setup blobs!

        Best get a dummy index.html in there.
        Norman -
        Edinburgh, U K / Bitez, Turkey


          Originally posted by NormanRouxel

          I'm getting a directory listing of of I do that.
          Hi Norman,
          What do you need to know? I did it from a patch supplied by Actinic support...
          New Year - new YOU!
          (remove that cellulite before the summer comes -


            HELP.... It wasn't doing that yesterday..... ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh !!!!
            Don't know where to start or why it went wrong... Only thing I've done is take a snapshot and pick it up from the laptop... I haven't uploaded the site for days...

            Strong tea, deep breaths, PANIC

            New Year - new YOU!
            (remove that cellulite before the summer comes -



              I'd guess that there's a missing CUSTOMVAR on some of your Beauty products. Three out of the top 4 lead nowhere when the image is clicked. Others seem OK. Comparing these products with a working one should show up what's bust.

              Your /acatalog home page is set to be shop.html - you may want to change this to be index.html for security reasons ( Design / Options / Site Defaults / Base Page Name ).

              PS Sorry Damien, this is your thread but Antheas problems showed up here.
              Norman -
              Edinburgh, U K / Bitez, Turkey


                Norman, a big THANK YOU. I have had the tea, cracked the problem. I put in components for the sets of stuff to get stock control working, and (somehow) the customvars got deleted. Put them back in, re-issued, site OK now. I shudder to think how long it has been "broke"... BIG THANK YOU again.
                p.s what is the "security" reason for index not shop? Easy enough to change, but wondered what you are referring to? Still on a very steep learning curve here...
                New Year - new YOU!
                (remove that cellulite before the summer comes -


                  what is the "security" reason for index not shop?
                  Shop.html is just a name as far as a web-server is concerned and will be served up if specifically asked for.

                  index.html is a "special" name and most servers automatically look for and serve up this file if you just put in a URL that points to a directory rather than to a specific file.

                  Your server can't find an index.html and is (un)helpfully displaying a directory listing of your site instead.

                  This is rather bad practice nowadays and you should contact your server people and ask them to put up a "404 Page not found" type message instead of the directory listing.

                  There are also ways for you to put up a .htaccess file that tells the server what to do in such cases. I'm not an expert on this but a bit of searching will find posts about it.
                  Norman -
                  Edinburgh, U K / Bitez, Turkey


                    Thanks for the info. I will change the name to index asap, and ask 4Sure why no 404 message. When I make the next pot of tea I will look at .htaccess.

                    and I thought today would be an admin day!
                    New Year - new YOU!
                    (remove that cellulite before the summer comes -



                      Originally posted by anf1y
                      Thanks for the info. I will change the name to index asap, and ask 4Sure why no 404 message. When I make the next pot of tea I will look at .htaccess.

                      and I thought today would be an admin day!

                      This is what I did and it works great!
                      Now any URL typed in that doesn't automatically display a valid page will bring up my store front page.
                      I confess, I don't know if it would work for your index.htm though? Not sure which would "win" the .htaccess or the listing of your directory


                        Many thanks Tracey. Have done as you suggested and (after a bit of confusion on my part) it seems to be working fine. Another day, another problem (sorry opportunity). Wonder what will happen tomorrow?

                        New Year - new YOU!
                        (remove that cellulite before the summer comes -



                          is there a chance to purchase the patch? Your page is opening every product on a single .html page instead of using the damn (sorry) extended info popup , this is exactly what I would like to do with my developer version.


                            Originally posted by Seopti

                            is there a chance to purchase the patch? Your page is opening every product on a single .html page instead of using the damn (sorry) extended info popup , this is exactly what I would like to do with my developer version.

                            Yes, this is what I am going after also. What sort of patch is this?



                              This link shows you how to open an extended info page in the same browser window, rather than a pop-up.

                              This link explains how to have a compact listing of products (with add to cart buttons) that then link to a further details page.

