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Reading Actinic Cookie

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    Reading Actinic Cookie

    Hi. This is probably an easy question but I am new to reading and writing cookies. I have created a site where customers MUST be logged in, however they can also browse round some dynamic ASP pages which I have created, but instead of getting the customer to log in again using my own username & password I would like to use the session which they are currently in having logged into Actinic. I have been told that this information is contained in the Session variables, and the Session ID is contained in the cookie, however I do not know what the cookie name is so I cannot access it with my ASP code: Request.Cookies("<cookie-name>").

    Any help on this would be great. Thanks.

    Not sure but in Mozilla you can see what cookies have been accepted at a particular time under the Tools...Options...Cookies menu. - Actinic plugins, remote add to cart and custom CMS - More seeds and plants.... - Well it used to be Actinic...


      Actinic uses several cookies. The easiest way to see what's what is to stick this bit of JavaScript into a product description and then view that product on your live site.
      !!<<script language=JavaScript>document.write(document.cookie);</script>>!!
      Norman -
      Edinburgh, U K / Bitez, Turkey


        Hi, thanks for your last reply. I have now managed to locate the cookie (good tip with Mozilla), however I am now having trouble accessing the session file denoting that I user is logged in. The email I got from the Actinic developers was:

        If a customer is logged in, then the session file contains a non empty
        <Digest>.........</Digest> XML tag.
        The session name is stored in the actinic cookie in ACTINIC_CART section
        on the customers PC, so it can be examined.

        I have found the actinic cookie and located the session name, however I am now having trouble accessing the session file containing this <Digest> tag.

        When I use a simple script to display all session variables open there are non listed but the .session file is still present in the acatalog directory.

        Any help would be gratefully received. Cheers


          If you're on a real-world server then Actinic sets the session file to have 200 permissions (no-one can read it - only Actinic can write to it) unless Actinic is currently using it (in which case it briefly sets the minimum permissions needed).

          This is to stop hackers, etc being able to peek into other peoples carts.
          Norman -
          Edinburgh, U K / Bitez, Turkey


            I'm on my own server (Linux-Debian running ChiliASP), your right the session file is set to 200, do you know a way around this??? Thanks again for your help.


              You'd have to use Perl, PHP, or whatever to change it's mode, read the file, then change back.

              I'm not too sure why you actually need to read this file, though. Is the info you require not in the cookie?
              Norman -
              Edinburgh, U K / Bitez, Turkey

