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Image rollover problem

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    Image rollover problem

    Hi folks

    I've searched through the forums, and haven't found a satisfactory solution so far. The rollovers for our catalogue don't seem to be working. The front page ones are fine, which were made by myself using Dreamweaver's own JavaScript, but all the catalogue ones don't show the 2nd image on mouse over (the images are on the server though).

    If anyone has a minute, can you have a quick look at our site's code at and see if you can spot anything obviously wrong.

    I'd like, if possible, to use a Dreamweaver-style of rollover. I added the JavaScript code to Actinic's external .js core file in anticipation (seems to be the logical location). I have tried some template-tweaking, but am finally at a loss. I have evidently monkey'd something up somewhere

    Thanks for your time


    Web Admin
    Re-Tek UK Ltd

    Hi Ryan

    I'd like, if possible, to use a Dreamweaver-style of rollover. I added the JavaScript code to Actinic's external .js core file in anticipation (seems to be the logical location). I have tried some template-tweaking, but am finally at a loss. I have evidently monkey'd something up somewhere
    I would say it is possible to do this, rather than add the code in actinic js script, i would have put the code in its own js file, then in the "Act_Primary.html", simply referrer to the js script.

    Kind Regards
    Nadeem Rasool
    SellerDeck Development


      Gah! Still having problems with these bloody rollovers

      I've tried including the Dreamweaver JavaScript in actiniccore.js, and in Act_Primary itself - the images still aren't swapping out. The required image files are all on the server (can be viewed directly).

      If anyone has 5 minutes to take a gander, i'd greatly appreciate it. I'm pretty sure i have everything in there that's required. I've pored over the rollover code itself and compared it to a working rollover, and it seems to be identical. I can only assume it's a JS problem? The online version of the catalogue has the JS in the header so it can be checked.

      Catalogue is at

      I just uploaded what i have so far (thankfully it didn't explode or fall over, but the rollovers are still non-functional). I then viewed the source and ripped out the table containing the nav bar images and the JavaScript and popped them between body and head tags respectively in a new document. Lo and behold, it bloomin' works. I'm slightly more confused now.



        Hi there

        I would suggest downloading Mozilla Firefox, then go to Tools | JavaScript Console, and use this to debug you're code.

        Hope that helps


          Howdy James

          Already using Firefox, so had a look at the JS console. It finds nothing wrong when navigating through the site, and can only be used to manually check 1 line of code at a time it appears. What exactly did you have in mind?

          The code should be fine really - it works when it's on its own, but when it's all stirred up and baked by Actinic, it seems to - for want of a better word - break. Surely more people have used Dreamweaver's rollover code with Actinic


            Ryan - with the rollovers from Dreamweaver I find it best not to insert the code automatically rather copy the code into a blank HTML page and then copy and paste the code - if you insert the code direct into the Actinic page DW tends to merge the Javascript with the existing Actinic Javascript and you don't get the mouse over effects.... you need to keep 2 seperate Javascripts (one for Actinic and create a new one for the DW stuff)

            SellerDeck Designs and Responsive Themes


              Jonty, you're a star. Works perfick

              As you suggested, i created a new external JavaScript file and referenced it in Act_Primary.

              Thanks again,



                Glad you got it working - tore my hair out getting mine to work in the past.

                SellerDeck Designs and Responsive Themes

