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Upload to the 'root' of website

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    Upload to the 'root' of website

    How do i upload a page to the "root" of my site in actinic or do i need to use a seporate ftp program to do this?

    Reason is my site used to be hosted by zen and when you typed in my domain name it took you directly into my site without a /acatalog present in the address bar. no problem

    Now having changed host the acatalog directory has appeared and i need to direct people to this directory.

    Prior to v5, i.e. v4 you need to create your own root page and upload this as you say using an FTP client.

    You could try speaking with your host to get them to symlink your acatalog folder or probably better to "AliasMatch" the folders.


      The other approach is to create a page with the following code, and FTP this up to the root of your website:

      <META HTTP-EQUIV="refresh" CONTENT="0; URL='http://<mysite>/acatalog'">
      <P>Please wait to be forwarded to our catalog or press
      <A HREF="http://<mysite>/acatalog">here</A>. </P>

      This will automatically forward people into your /acatalog/ folder. Remember, however, that search engines do not like this sort of code - so when submitting your site to google etc - always submit the address including the /acatalog/ bit.


        the meta forwarding is a very bad idea if you want decent search engine listing...

        meta refresh of 0 is highly undesireable. If you do go this way then put a refresh of at least 10 and also put a click here if you don't want to wait link

        techno's suggestions are the way to go


          Thanks for the advice, i have created a simple page and ftp up with meta tags ect. Do the search engine crawlers go into all the pages of my site, or does the fact that the site is inside the acatalog folder affect what the search engines pick up.

          Should i have the meta tags on the front page i created, or leave actinic to generate their own?



            I think you need to visit such sites as search engine watch , spiderfood..................

            there is alot more to search engine optimisation than creating a few meta tags.

            infact Google doesn't even look at META keywords or description.

            the most important parts of a page are title and bodytext. Each page needs a unique title in order to optimise for the greatest number of do a job on seatch engine optimising in order to get results, read read read and research

