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Actinic Categories

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    Actinic Categories

    Hi there all,

    One fresh-faced (more or less!) newbie looking for a bit of advice - I'm currently using V7 to create a site for a client. They are happy with the results so far, however they have asked if something can be done and I'm not sure...

    Currently they have a range of products arranged in subsections within the catalogue, however is it possible for the main category page for that section to show the entire list of products under that section (Whilst still maintaining the further subsections)?

    If this sounds ridiculous please say so... One of those times I wish I had more exposure to Actinic before getting flung in at the deep end!

    Many thanks!

    It can be done but would require some copying and pasting.

    A section page (showing sub-sections) can also contain Products.

    Copy, then Paste as Duplicates all child products into this section.

    For this Section you may want to choose a Product Layout Template that displays these duplicates in a concise manner.

    Make sure you set the subsequent sub-sections to use a normal product template as products inherit their parent sections default layout (if Use Parent is checked).
    Norman -
    Edinburgh, U K / Bitez, Turkey


      Hi Norman,

      Many thanks for your thoughts - sounds a bit involved! I'll give it a shot though, I'm still trying to get to grips with Actinic to be honest so I may come back mooching for more assistance...

      Once again thank you for the advice!


        What a guy!


        That seems to have worked a treat... and not have as complex as I thought it sounded. Thanks for taking the time to help!

