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few things I need to iron out

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    few things I need to iron out

    Hi guys.... I need a few questions & suggestions answers.
    I've just about finished my site I'm quite happy with how its going but I need help with a few things.

    1. seem to have a NETQUOTEVAR:SUBMITFUNCTION line on my home page & can't find out how to get rid of it.

    2. after I add a product to cart....the forward back to cataloge always take me to the cloud fx set of products......I want it to forward back to the same product page when I added to cart.

    3. I want to remove the toplevel section history. (the line at the top of my product sections)

    4. if you look at the way I have set up my DVD volumes...the top image/product (the whole set) is a fragment linked to another product....What I want to do is when the customer clicks the image it adds to cart, without going to another product page.

    5. how do I change to style sheet for the links?

    Apart from the above any comments on the navigation (improments) and general feel of the site.

    Kind regards


    Hi Jonas,

    just taken a quick peek at the homepage (doing the day job so can't linger) and it would be very nice / essential to have the 3 main pictures as clickable links to the section / products. Like the backgrounds to the boxes - gives it a very homogenous feel

    SellerDeck Designs and Responsive Themes


      good point & easy to impliment. Any thoughts on my 5 questions?



        Hi there

        1. seem to have a NETQUOTEVAR:SUBMITFUNCTION line on my home page & can't find out how to get rid of it.
        I couldnt see that, where abouts is it?

        2. after I add a product to cart....the forward back to cataloge always take me to the cloud fx set of products......I want it to forward back to the same product page when I added to cart.
        Works for me, when I add to cart, no matter what product it is, after seeing the shopping cart, I am bounced back the product I just added to the cart.

        3. I want to remove the toplevel section history. (the line at the top of my product sections)
        Can you confirm what you mean by this, I assumed you meant the breadcrumb trial, but I cant see one on you're site.

        4. if you look at the way I have set up my DVD volumes...the top image/product (the whole set) is a fragment linked to another product....What I want to do is when the customer clicks the image it adds to cart, without going to another product page.
        If you download our Advanced users guide (AUG), from, and go to the download centre, there are instructions in there that will enable you to do this, search the AUG for Adding to Cart from Anywhere on the Internet, for instructions on how you can do this.

        5. how do I change to style sheet for the links?
        You can do this by editing the actinic.css file, which is found in you're site1 folder.

        Hope that helps

