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product image layout

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    product image layout


    please help, I am a real newbie to actinic and I am building my first ever site, I have trawled through the forum and downloaded actinic advanced but cannot find the answer.

    I am trying to change the layout of one particular product range, I am happy to have image left of text for all other products, but for this particular product I need the image to run across the top, It is a long image that cannot really be resized small enough to go to the left. I initally tried to do a fragment above with the image and then put the product underneath as just text, but it dosnt look quite right because of the seperator line, the other alternative is "how do I take out the bottom line of the fragment to make it look as one".

    Your help would be very very appreciated.

    Karen Nelsey

    What you need to do is create a new layout for the new product range.

    Take Act_productLine.html, and move the NETQUOTEVARs around to get the layout you want. Save it as a new file, then assign this file as the layout for the section.

    If you take a look at all the ACT_Product line templates in site1 you will get a better idea.

    You may find the product line which centres everything a good start as the image will be above the product description.

    Use notepad, or dreamweaver as your editting tool


      Originally posted by karenn
      I initally tried to do a fragment above with the image and then put the product underneath as just text, but it dosnt look quite right because of the seperator line, the other alternative is "how do I take out the bottom line of the fragment to make it look as one".
      To remove the line just quote out (<!-- and -->) the NETQUOTEVAR:PRODUCTSEPERATOR. If you need it anytime, you can just put in a <HR> (in the product details for example) where required.
      New Year - new YOU!
      (remove that cellulite before the summer comes -

