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VAT inclusive again!!!

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    VAT inclusive again!!!

    All the prices in my catalogue are entered with VAT included. I have ticked Display tax inclusive prices in Design, Options, Misc.
    And in View, Business settings, tax, have ticked Simple, and Include Tax 1
    But when I go to my web site catalogue, under Terms and Conditions, Tax Charges, it still says
    For orders made from the UK or the European Union, 17.5% VAT is added. All other orders are VAT free.
    How do I change this text to read that VAT is included?
    Would appreciate assistance - very new to Actinic!!

    Thanks, but I have changed the 'Message' that comes under tax in the Business settings and yet on my Terms and conditions page on the site, it still reads the standard Actinic message of
    Tax Charges For orders made from the UK or the European Union, 17.5% VAT is added. All other orders are VAT free.
    How on earth do you get this changed!!??


      Hi there

      If you go to View | Business setting | Terms and conditions | Tax charges, you can change this text there.

      Hope that helps


        SO simple! Most grateful - thanks

