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Hidden sections

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    Hi there

    The only way this could work, is if you hardcode your own navigation links and not let Actinic generate the navigation links.

    I am a bit surprised that such a simple task as this cannot be achieved with the software.
    To be honest, its not something that is requested alot by clients.

    Kind Regards
    Nadeem Rasool
    SellerDeck Development



      Any updates on this? We have several products that we don't want included within the shop itself or its search functionality but we still want to make available online.

      For example, we might have a couple of Business-Business products that we want to directly link to from other pages that the general consumer is not concerned with. Because of the nature of our store, we don't have any user registration, so can't bump anybody out of any areas.

      I've published with the sections unhidden, hidden them and republished and it *seems* to work, but it's not really ideal.

      To me, "Hide on Website" and "don't publish on website" are two different things.


        Hi There,

        To be able to hide ceertain sections on the website and not have them available to other browsers, but yet available from other links or to specific customers, you will have to go in for the Business or Developer version's of Actinic which allows you the ability to restrict access to sections.

        Kind regards,
        Bruce King

