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View Basket

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    View Basket

    I have made a custom template. Everything works great except 1 thing.
    When you shop and add a couple of items to the cart, and press continue to shop, if you press "view basket", the basket shows it is empty.
    Why does that happen?

    possibly because you haven't got cookies enabled,

    could you post a url please then we can look properly


      cookies are enabled.
      what else can it be.
      The checkout works. Only view cart doesnty work.


        without the url we are guessing.....


          I dont have a URL yet to post. I am trying it.
          What is the reason?


            If it isn't cookies, it could be anything. Without actually seeing the site it is not worth guessing at the hundred or so reasons it could be.

            Although someone else may have other ideas

            You could search the forum using the keywords empty basket to get some ideas to help out.


              I have done everything possible to see why this happenes. any other ideas?



                Unless we can take a look at the problem in action then there's little more we can do to help.


                First Tackle - Fly Fishing and Game Angling



                  Thanks Mike, that is great help.
                  I dont have a URL yet to post.


                    Sarcasm will get you nowhere. As you can see we are trying to help, but can not without a URL.

                    If you want us to help you, you will have to upload the site for us to see. You have stated that you have customised your templates - this being the case we are wasting our time speculating your problem - give us the hard evidence and we will give you an answer


                      Originally posted by gozz
                      Thanks Mike, that is great help.
                      I dont have a URL yet to post.
                      It might be a good idea to find some web space and upload your site to it, you never know the problem might not even be there…and I think it wise to be polite when looking for FREE advice, if you had bothered to look at the number of posts Mike ‘olderscot’ has posted (1,606) then to look at the amount of posts Jo ‘pinbrook’ has posted (2,068) you would then realise that they are 2 of the most helpful people, who give their time generously to help others.

                      One day you might become as helpful and knowledgeable in these forums as them by taking note of the free advice they are giving you.


                        I dont have a URL yet to post.
                        For the cart to work you need cookies and a session file. When there's a problem with these then the only way to debug it is to look at what's happening and identify the probably problem.

                        If you don't have a url then I can only assume your testing locally on a server somewhere and the problem could just as easily be the way you've set it up.

                        If you really want a fix to this then I suggest you get your webspace organised and test it on a real life server. Otherwise we're all wasting our time trying to help you on this.


                        First Tackle - Fly Fishing and Game Angling


