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Error Occurred while sending merge request

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    Error Occurred while sending merge request

    My customers ISP has introduced Email authentication and so prevented the catalog (V6.1.5) from sending Emails.

    I've tried using the patch for "V6(V5)-UsingSendMailInsteadoOfSMTP.txt" downloaded from another forum thread and now I'm getting the message "Error Occurred while sending merge request" when I try to update or refresh the site.

    I've deleted the *.fil and *.cat files (server and client as proposed by one forum thread) and updated and refreshed the site and still get the error message.

    If I replace the patched file with the original and carry out an update website I don't get the error message!

    You comments would be appreciated.


    the patch for "V6(V5)-UsingSendMailInsteadoOfSMTP.txt"
    I assume you are saying that your application of this patch has caused the problem. Therefore you will need to tell us what you did


      Hi Jo,

      I edited the file using notepad as a text editor in accordance with the instructions in the patch (attached), adding and replacing certain lines of code, to enable Actinic to use the Mailer software on the hosting company server rather than using the ISP Email Server.

      I then deleted all the actinic files on the web server and carried out a refresh and got the error message "Error Occurred while sending merge request"

      I looked up the the error message on the actinic forum and it was recommended to deleted the *.fil and *.cat files (server and client)

      I've deleted the *.fil and *.cat files (server and client as proposed by one forum thread) and I then deleted all the actinic files on the web server and carried out a refresh and got the error message "Error Occurred while sending merge request"

      If I replace the patched file with the original and carry out an update website I don't get the error message!

      When I replace the original file with the patched one and carry out an update I get the error message.


      Any Ideas?

      Attached Files


        I wrote that. It's from the donationware page -

        Either you host doesn't have the Mail::Mailer module available or you've patched it wrong.

        Here's how to find out:

        backup what you've done first.

        The edit the patched and delete the single line of code
        	use Mail::Mailer;
        and the lump
        	# (V11) use systems sendmail program
        	my $mailer = Mail::Mailer->new();
        	$mailer->open({ From    => $sReturnAddress,
         	                To      => $sEmailAddress,
                                Subject => $sSubjectText,
                                     or die "Can't open: $!\n";
                print $mailer $sMessageText;
        This removes any refrence to Mail::Mailer and the code will appear to work but silently skip sending the e-mail.

        Now do an update and see if the site still works or fails with an error message.

        If it still fails you've mispatched by misunderstanding the instructions and should look to fixing that.

        If it now works then it looks like your host doesn't support the Perl Mail::Mailer module so you're stuck. You can confirm this by putting the single "use Mail::Mailer;" line back in and if the site now fails that's the confirmation.

        There are other posts that modify this patch to directly call SendMail instead of via Mail::Mailer but they're site specific and require a bit of Unix skill to implement. Basically you leave that first line above out and replace the bigger lump of code above with a call to SendMail.

        A bit of searching should locate them.
        Norman -
        Edinburgh, U K / Bitez, Turkey



          Thanks for the reply Norman, having searched for "Sendmail" rather than "merge error" I see that you have responded to queries like mine on a regular basis.

          I used "phpinfo.php" on my site to discover that my host uses sendmail not Mailer.

          I found a posting "PC based local mail" which addresses this issue and I have now modified in line with the recommendations there and its working well on my test site.

          I just need to try it on the live one.

          Thanks everybody for your advice.



            similar problem with

            The merge error also occured for me after having modified this file (specifically the code regarding the generation of the html table which contains error messages related to unfilled required form fields). After restoring the an original version of, the merge problem disappeared. My conclusion is that WHATEVER modification to this file will cause a merge error. WTF?


              don't bother

