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Sales analysis does not match Transactions

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    Sales analysis does not match Transactions

    I have only been live a few weeks and already there is a massive difference between the Sales Analysis report and the Transactions report. Sales total is far lower than transactions.

    Are they supposed to be different? (NB All orders are completed)

    Is it because I have not exported all the data? (That's because I don't want to overwrite and haven't written the database update table bit yet!!!)

    Apologies in advance if I have misunderstood something...
    New Year - new YOU!
    (remove that cellulite before the summer comes -

    Originally posted by anf1y
    Is it because I have not exported all the data? (That's because I don't want to overwrite and haven't written the database update table bit yet!!!)
    Update: HELP!!! I thought I would check my own point about exports - exported all records. Now Sales Analysis is empty!!! Is it supposed to be?
    New Year - new YOU!
    (remove that cellulite before the summer comes -


      Hi Anthea

      Sales Analysis will be different because they check on conditions. If you see the "More Option" of "Sales Analysis", if you tick any of thoses boxes, then the report generated takes these conditions into Account.

      Ie if you tick "Payment Recieved" and "Invoice Printed", then the report will only show your orders where the condition for these two have been met. It uses the "AND" logic, so it will not include an orders which just one of these condition have been met.

      I hope this makes sense to you.

      Kind Regards
      Nadeem Rasool
      SellerDeck Development

