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Limited Credit Card Schedule

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    Limited Credit Card Schedule

    At the moment we process card transactions by manually keying into the terminal - this involves having to ring each other internally to read the details from Actinic. This is annoying because we are often interrupted by phone calls, customers, etc. making the job a lot longer than it needs to be.

    I had tried to print out credit card schedules (so that one person can process cards while the other fends off the customers!) but it seems to print out all the outstanding order details which makes wading through to find the correct details even more tiresome. Is there a way of just printing out the card details for the invoices printed that day?

    Thanks, Helen

    Hi Helen

    To achieve what you want you should
    1) Mark all goods on an order as 'shipped' (you can always unskip later if you need to)
    2) Print off your invoices or packing notes if you prefer (personally, I prefer to use a copy of the invoice as our packing note).
    3)Print "Outstanding Credit Card Details" report.

    When you next print "Outstanding Credit Card Details", the report shouldn't be including the ones that you have already printed.



      or use a PSP


        Thanks for the replies.

        Jo, I had looked at PSP but we don't carry a lot of stock and often have to back order and I am reluctant to take customers money before the goods are actually about to leave the building.

        Martin, I think I get the principle of your suggestion but how would it work for back orders if it never printed the details again?

        I guess I was hoping that it would be possible to have a custom report which I could run separate from the Actinic defaults. I'm practically clueless with databases but surely it would be possible to run a query like "print credit card details for invoices where date printed equals current system date" or something.




          We print 2 Data Entry Reports for each order. As each order is processed through our PDQ terminal, the authorised receipt printed by the terminal is attached to one copy, and the other copy is then transferred to our order department for making up and dispatch. You can do this without marking orders as Shipped, and you can go back and reprint this report (for back orders or to resolve a query or dispute) at any time.

          Of course, I have to say that online order volumes are not huge in our business - usually no more than 10 per day, and this method integrates well with our telephone and over the counter shop orders. It might not work so well if you process a substantial number of orders daily.

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